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Upgrading From a High Schooler’s Closet to a College Girl’s Wardrobe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Starting college is a huge step for everyone. It’s likely your first time truly living as an adult, so it’s important to learn how to dress like one. You don’t have to wear a pantsuit every day just yet, but it’s time to start dressing a little more maturely. Here are a few steps you can take to upgrade to a collegiette’s wardrobe.

Say good-bye the high school memorabilia

That varsity softball t-shirt from 2014 might be comfy, but it’s time to move on. College is all about preparing for your future, not dwelling in your past. You can certainly use those old t-shirts to sleep in, but wearing them to class isn’t the best choice. Instead, opt for a new t-shirt that reps something current, like the school you’re going to or whichever extracurriculars you’re involved in around campus.

Keep a few business professional outfits around

You definitely don’t have to wear them regularly, but in the event that you might need one, it’s better to have a few ready to go than to have to scramble last minute to buy a half-decent blazers that don’t even fit properly. You’ll need these outfits for interviews, important meetings and countless other things that might come up. Here are some simple dresses, blouses, skirts, blazers and pants that could work for whatever professional occasion you might attend. Remember: wear what makes you feel most confident. Since confidence is one of the three most sought-after traits by employers, it’s important that you feel good about yourself in what you’re wearing.

Invest in clothes that will last

Don’t waste money on cheap clothes that will fall apart after the first time you wear them. You won’t have much time to keep going to the mall to buy replacements for things that won’t hold up to one round in the washing machine. Instead, opt for something made with quality in mind, even if the price is a little higher. To offset the cost, buy things you can mix and match easily to create multiple outfits with fewer items. Also, avoid spending money on clothes that are trendy, because they could go out of style in a matter of weeks.

Dress to express your personality

You don’t have to give up your style just to look like everyone else or to dress more maturely. There is no single way to dress, so keep that in mind when you’re configuring your new closet. You shouldn’t forget your personal style – you should be evolving it. Whether you like to dress preppy, bohemian, chic or even alternative, you can easily find elements that incorporate your signature look into anything you wear.

Lilly is a Marketing major at Southern Methodist University. She is a new writer for the Her Campus HCSMU chapter. She is also a member of SMU Cheerleading. She loves animals, travel, and coffee. She also watches Grey's Anatomy until three in the morning every night.
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