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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

It’s the night before a long and stressful week. You have tests. You have papers. You have to do what seems like a million readings. Feel less stress with some of these tips so you can conquer the week ahead stress-free and push through the final weeks in the semester! 

The first step to having a stress-free Sunday night is to not have to worry about finishing your homework. I recommend working ahead during the week or even trying to squeeze in some time earlier on in the weekend. That way, your Sunday night can be for YOU and not your professors. 

One thing I love to do on Sunday nights is plan out my week ahead using a planner. I invested in purchasing a Day Designer and let me tell y’all it’s one of the best things ever. It gives me a whole page to plan out my days and even allows you space to track your food, your wallet and practice daily gratitude. Each Sunday night, I love to go through my week ahead and see what each day has in store. You’ll be able to see your busy days and your not-so-busy days. 

Another fun and relaxing thing to do on Sunday nights is to give yourself a little spa night! Take a long shower, whip out your nail polish, get out a face mask and turn on some relaxing music or watch your favorite show on Netflix. It is so important to have time for yourself and take care of yourself. Going to bed relaxed and refreshed will set the mood for the week ahead. 

Tidy up your dorm room or apartment! It’s so refreshing to have a clean room to start the week. If your room’s a mess, your life is going to feel like it’s a mess. By cleaning up, you can at least feel and look like your life is together. Get your laundry done, vacuum the floors and wipe down surfaces. My roomie and I love to blast some music while we clean our room and it goes by in no time! 

Right before you to bed, I strongly recommend shutting off your phone and laptop and having time for yourself, disconnected from the world. Read a book for fun or journal, for example! Go to bed at a decent time so you can make the most out of your days to come! 

Kalena Dorgan is a freshman at Southern Methodist University and is planning on double majoring in Advertising and Communications, as well as minoring in Spanish. Being from Wisconsin, she can't wait to explore Dallas. She is passionate about volunteering in her community and is obsessed with chai tea, yoga, brunch and her planner.
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