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5 People You Undoubtedly Met During Your First Week of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

You know them. You met one at Corral, one in your intro language class, and there’s probably one living next door. These are the five people you most definitely met during your first week of college.

1. The pre-rush frat star

This kid has researched all of the Greek organizations on campus, and is all but wearing the letters of their desired house. You can definitely rely on them to know where all the parties are.

2. The person who totally has their life together

This person has printed out, read and highlighted the syllabus before the first day of class, has declared their triple major and minor, probably helps orphans learn to read in their free time, and somehow manages to roll into those 8 a.m. classes five minutes early and look fresh. This person is an incredible role model, and can push you to be the best version of yourself, so try and learn their superhuman ways!

3. The overly excited kid

This person grew up wanting to be an SMU Mustang, and bleeds red and blue. They signed up for 17 different clubs at Night at the Club, and joined every committee that has come their way. College is exciting, and this one plans to take full advantage of all SMU has to offer.

4. The person who’s stuck in the past

This person was on a varsity sport, took 5 trillion APs, or got a killer ACT, and the school pennant hanging on their dorm room wall means they need you to know about it. High school was great, but it is over, y’all. College will prove to be just as exciting, just give it a little time. 

5. The sports fanatic


There is no doubt that this person is going to camp out for those basketball tickets, and thinks the best part about the Boulevard will be the football game. Of course, this person is fun to be around, and their Mustang pride is infectious!


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Hi! I'm the beauty crazed one here at Her Campus SMU. But I also love food, coffee, shopping, traveling, laughing, and of course, writing. You can also find me rambling on about cosmetics and my dogs on my Youtube channel!
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