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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.


With finals season swiftly approaching, it’s safe to say that stress levels are a bit high. I’ve always found myself in a rut during these last few weeks of the semester. Assignments continue to pile up, days only seem to grow longer, and tensions seem overall high. It seems like the end is in sight, yet oh so far away. Our bodies and minds have carried us through an incredibly tense semester, and it’s okay to acknowledge the toll that it may have taken! As we finish out these final weeks, I’ve reflected on some habits that have carried me through some tough times – I hope they do the same for you!


Take a break! – With our bodies and brains working double time, it’s so important to know when to walk away for a bit. Knowing your limits can be difficult, especially as a college student. Scheduling allotted breaks can be helpful to reward and recharge yourself for hard work.


Get a full night’s sleep – Honestly, this is one of the more difficult habits for a lot of college students, especially during finals. I admit there have been many times where I’ve sacrificed sleep for one more hour of studying or one more assignment to finish. As tempting as it may sound to have those late-night study sessions, it’s so crucial to get those full eight hours of sleep each night. It’s even been proven that restful sleep can help manage stress and retain information. 


Get outside – Being on a screen most of the day can be draining, and even unhealthy. With warm weather approaching, I’ve tried to get outside as much as I can throughout my days. This can be as small as a walk to the mailroom, to grab a coffee, or to the library and back. 


Break routine every once in a while! – I admit, this is a habit I’m very much still getting used to. In many ways, having a trusted routine to fill your day is so beneficial. It gives us structure and discipline to accomplish tasks. However, I’ve actually found that a great deal of productivity comes when I switch up my schedule every once in a while. This can relieve some of the monotony that comes with Zoom university and online assignments. 


Feed your body & stay hydrated – Drinking lots of water and feeding your body with yummy foods can truly make all the difference. Feeling hydrated often boosts my productivity, and makes me feel more awake throughout the day. It’s also so important to feed your body with foods that make you feel fully charged. If eating clean makes you feel your best, find your favorite healthy recipes! If enjoying sugary sweets brings you happiness, by all means, indulge in your favorite Ben and Jerry’s and treat yourself! 


Find a study playlist – Having some background music to fill the silence can often be helpful in keeping focused. Some of my go-to playlists for studying on Spotify are ‘Lo-Fi Beats’ and ‘Deep Focus’. 

Senior at Saint Michael's College majoring in Public Health with a Chemistry minor. Lover of good people and the great outdoors.
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