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Niall Keane: The Most Approachable Man On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.


Hometown: Yonkers, New York

Major: English

Minor: Religious studies

Year of graduation: 2018


Her Campus: What are you involved with here at Saint Mikes?

Niall Keane: I’m involved with the Peace and Justice club, move, manager of the Saint Mike’s phone-a-thon, I’m going to be a POW leader this summer and my favorite activity is definitely being an orientation leader.

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

NK: Anne Hathaway. I love her, I think she’s great in Les Mis or Princess Diaries. I like chick flicks, what can I say?

HC: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

NK: There are so many places to go, but I would love to go to Asia because I feel like in my life time I may not be able to make it there, but it seems like such a cool place. Or I want to go to the Netherlands. I used to be a speed skater and in the Netherlands that’s their national sport, so it would be really cool to skate there.

HC: What has been your favorite thing about sophomore year?

NK: I have to say from the start of sophomore year your relationships with people already have depth, so just getting to know people better. Pivotal moments of my sophomore year was definitely orientation this year, I had an amazing time being a part of it. But the highlight was when some of my friends and I just decided to road trip to North Carolina for spring break.

HC: What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?

NK: I would say get as involved as you possible can because there are so many ways to grow in friendships and in yourself. There’s just also so much to explore on campus as well as off campus.  A pivotal moment for me freshman year was my service trip to New Orleans with 10 people that I didn’t know. At first it was scary, but looking back on it, I had so much fun and I met people that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Also, stay out of your room. Stay in areas with people or just go to Alliot by yourself and figure out who you’re going to sit with, as opposed to going with a group of friends every time.