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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

COVID-19 reaching its 3rd wave, an election that has seemed endless, life. Times like this make me long for yesterday. When masks weren’t an accessory, when our country wasn’t stained with orange when we felt a little less lost and a little more whole. When love was an easy game to play and our troubles seemed oh so far away. Even though yesterday is far away, we can’t give up and look for a place to hideaway. If these past months have taught me anything it’s that we can’t grant our fears of tomorrow the power to relinquish the hope of our today. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, it could bring a vaccine or it could bring another nationwide lockdown. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, it could be a president that actually cares about human lives, or it could bring four more years of the talking Cheeto. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know it’s worth fighting for. 

    Regardless of what tomorrow brings, we can’t stop the fight for what is right, god be damned if the strength of our passion is deterred as a result of either candidate’s victory. We must remember that the fight doesn’t end even if Trump’s presidency does. There will always be those in need of a helping hand, so we must always keep our hands and our hearts open to others. Regardless of what tomorrow brings, we can’t forget to treat people with kindness and respect. We may have lost a little bit of ourselves, but we must never lose our sight for humanity. The world has given us so much hate and sadness that many of us have let consume our lives. We can’t return this negativity to the world, but we do have the power to replace it with positivity. Be the positivity you want to see in the world, be the hope you want to see in the world, be the change you want to see in the world. 

Today, we must grapple with the fact that half the country still voted for the talking Cheeto, as well as possibly your own family and friends, but we can’t let their ballots define our future. They may have voted for hate, but you can’t forget the fact that you and so many others voted for love. You voted for the black lives who were never given a chance to truly matter. You voted for the girls who must fight for the right of their own bodies. You voted for the 234,000 lives who were lost to COVID and the doctors and nurses who fought on the front lines every day. Half this country puts a price on human lives, but the other half would do anything in their power to pay it. Today we see that half the country has given into hate, but that doesn’t mean that they are lost to finding love tomorrow. We can’t let the chaos of today divide us and decide our tomorrow. The chaos of today makes it hard not to long for yesterday. But we can’t let this longing allow us to get lost in the chaos. Why did yesterday have to go? I don’t know. But I do know that there will be another yesterday so long as we never lose hope for our tomorrow. Oh, I believe in yesterday, but I also believe in tomorrow.

My Name is Molly 
MA || VT || SMC Women's Soccer Player '21