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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Last weekend, I was hanging out with my friends and laughing about the memes we send each other in our designated meme group chat. All of a sudden, it hit me and my mood instantly changed. I was hit with the Sunday Scaries.


For those of you who don’t know what the Sunday Scaries are, let me explain. The Sunday Scaries are the feelings of impending doom about the upcoming week that you just can’t shake. I literally couldn’t stop thinking about the exam that I was going to get back (which I knew I tanked). 


Me living my best life on the weekend vs.  Realizing tomorrow is Monday


Here’s a list of things you can do to prevent these said “Sunday Scaries”


  1. Indulge in Alliot’s “Sundae Sunday”

      If you know, you know.

  1. Drink some tea

      Tea has gotten me through some seriously hard times.

  1. Online shop

      CAUTION: this one can be dangerous- I know from personal experience. 

  1. Go for a run

      Whether you like to run on a treadmill or run outside, it’s good for you and boosts your   


  1. Watch a movie 

      Or a TV show. South Park always makes me feel better.

  1. Do a face mask

      Treat yourself! Self care is always a good thing.

  1. Listen to a podcast 

      I recommend “My Favorite Murder” for all of you true-crime fiends.


  1. Get organized 

     Clean your room, clean out your backpack, etc.

  1. Hang out with your friends

      And maybe have a Wine Night? Or get caught up with the new season of Big Mouth?

  1. Go on a hike

      Explore the great outdoors!


If you find that your stress is overwhelming you, it’s a good idea to talk to a counselor in Bergeron. In all honesty, talking/venting about my stressors with my friends is what gets me through the much-dreaded Sundays. Chances are, your friends feel the same way and you can give each other some words of encouragement. However, there is no shame in talking to a professional if that’s what you need. 


College is a stressful time and it’s important to take time for yourself and talk through the things that stress you out. 


Image Source: Google Images


Lucy Jones


Business major from Rhode Island Writing just for fun :) Hot Cheeto enthusiast
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.