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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

In a world where social media reigns, projecting endless images of what the “ideal” girl’s body and life should look like, it is becoming increasingly difficult to think, “I am beautiful!” whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I don’t know about you, but that’s typically not the first thought that pops into my head. Instead, it’s usually something like, “Wow! That zit is finally going away!” or, “Why is my hair frizzing today?” It’s a common habit to pick out our imperfections when in reality, as Hannah Montana once sang to us, nobody’s perfect. Although it’s much easier said than done, we should celebrate our quirks and the things that make us unique. You are wonderful just the way you are! Here are 7 How I Met Your Mother moments to remind you that you have the right to be whoever you want.  There is no need to try to conform to society’s silly and impossible standards!


1.  Never feel guilty for eating your favorite foods, even if you eat them like Marshall and happen to get ketchup all over your face while in public (I’ve been there). It’s okay to choose the burger and fries when everyone else gets a salad. You only live once! On the other hand, if you want to get the salad then get it. The only person who can judge what you’re eating, whether it’s unhealthy or healthy, is you! To be honest, this is probably how I look when I eat my bagel from Einstein’s almost every day. No rAgrets.


2.  Here’s an important one! Are you completely unsure of what you’re going to do with your life? Plenty of people are. So many individuals spend their lives searching for what their purpose is. Don’t let being uncertain about your future or current career wreck your confidence. It’s perfectly normal to question what your passions are. We are young!  Also– PSA:  you are beautiful if you are in a relationship, but you are just as beautiful if you are super single like me. You cannot depend on a significant other or place your source of happiness in that person–true happiness comes from within. It’s fine to have a Ted moment and realize: because lots of us are in the same boat here.


3.  For some reason, many think that if you aren’t constantly busy, you’re not being productive. Not true! Sometimes a mental health day is necessary to destress, whether that means Netflixing in bed, reading a good book, or catching up with your friends. College can both physically and emotionally overwhelming at times!  When you reach the point of forcing yourself through seemingly endless work and activities, it’s totally acceptable to take a break if you really need to. If that’s you right now, just remember:


4. Regardless of how you present yourself today, whether you’re putting on a full face of makeup and wearing a cute, put-together outfit OR going to class in your pajamas with your hair a disaster, it’s always helpful to wake up with an attitude like Barney’s:


5. Why the heck are we expected to balance so much at once and have so many different great qualities? You’re usually left wondering: And this question might drive you crazy. The answer of course, is yes! Whatever characteristics you have–if you’re funny, smart, sarcastic, quiet, etc.–you are enough. As Dr. Seuss wrote, “Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” Social media contradicts itself anyway! Have you noticed that we’re influenced to be thin, but to have curves, too? And to be nice, but not excessively nice or else people will step all over us? Don’t even attempt to fit the mold that society has created, because trying to do that is a completely hopeless endeavor altogether.


6. When you’re in a group of people that starts to tear down another person’s self-esteem or talk about others behind their backs, it’s cool to be like:

And walk out of there! Contributing to that conversation is contributing to the cycle of unreachable requirements we’re held to – basically not convenient for anybody.


7. Finally, even when you feel like a mess, know that there’s someone out there looking at you thinking:

No matter what!


CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.