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5 Kinds of Players in the Dating Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

It seems to be a common trend, at least with my circle of friends –you start talking with a guy in person, plus lots of snapchatting, texting, etc. Then you make plans to hang out with him and it’s really fun. You’re on top of the world! You think, Wow I can tolerate this dude’s presence! Score. Maybe you’ll date or something (do people really do that anymore?) But you’re sitting on the edge, waiting for whatever this “thing” to burst into flames. And it does, when later on, you come to find out that this guy played you better than he plays Call of Duty or his guitar or lacrosse! Here are 5 kinds of players you might get scammed by. Watch out and beware!


1.   The Kiss-And-Ditch Guy

This guy will seem really great. Initially, he’ll trick you into thinking his intentions are only good and pure. You might even share a smooch or two with this dude because he’ll make you think he’s worthy. But after that…absolutely nothing. He’ll pull a total ghost act and you’ll wonder if he dropped off the face of the planet. He’ll completely stop talking to you for no reason and you’ll have no real answers as to why he decided to ditch ya. It’s okay, forget this guy because he clearly has no courage if he can’t even face you! Buh bye.


2.   The Guy with the GIRLFRIEND

Ok, so Mr. Kiss-And-Ditch is a bummer but the Guy with the Girlfriend sucks even more than he does! I’ll tell ya why. Not only is this guy disloyal to his gal, but he’s a liar to you! He looked you in the eyes and told you the biggest fib – that he isn’t talking to any other girls, when in reality, he’s in a flipping serious relationship! This guy just sucks on so many levels for two-timing you. You don’t deserve that bologna! Once you find out about his scheming, dump him for good. He doesn’t even deserve a hello in the hallway from you. Ugh. He’s the sleaziest.


3.   The Friend Who is Actually Way More Than a Friend

Then there’s the Friend Who Is Actually Way More than A Friend. He’s definitely the most complicated, because the two of you share an awesome friendship – except when you’re snuggling or holding hands or…kissing? You’ll think, okay where the heck is this going? And you might have feelings for each other, but both of you are too afraid to take the leap so you’re stuck in this awkward af limbo stage. And you don’t want to lose him as a friend, so you have no clue what to do, especially when he’s off flirting with other girls. (In. Front. Of. You!) Frustrating. Make up your freaking mind dude!


4.   The Ladies’ Man (Nicer title for the guy who is something that rhymes with a Duck Boy!)

This Ladies’ Man is pretty self-explanatory. He just really can’t help himself to sleeping with every girl he comes into contact with, but while he’s doing that he’ll convince you into thinking that you’re the only girl he’s seeing. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You’ll realize the truth about him when he starts hitting on all of your friends. Uncomfy. This guy needs have some self-control.


5.   The Midnight Man

The Midnight Man is an interesting one. This guy will only contact you during the latest hours of the evening, possibly between 12 and 3 AM. You might think, aww, this could be a cute and spontaneous rendezvous! Nope. This guy is after one thing, and one thing only. If you’re smart, you’ll know right off the bat that he only wants to get in your pants. You might start to think he’s some kind of vampire because you won’t hear from him or even run into him in the daylight. Maybe garlic can get rid of The Midnight Man, too. I don’t know, this guy is just bad news. Don’t get up to answer his late night calls – you’ll surely regret it.











CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.