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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Just like everything else she does, Kim Kardashian’s new ‘do’ has caused another uproar on social media. Kardashian is sporting an intricate, cornrow style that is nothing people have not seen before. I personally, think it’s cute on her. I understand the need for a constant change in hairstyle. But, the problem lies not with the braids themselves, but with who she credited for the idea of the braids.


Kardashian called her braids, “Bo Derek braids” because the actress Bo Derek wore them in the movie “10.” So I can understand how Kim could just her as a reference, but she did it without crediting the true heritage of the hairstyle.


However, the  politically correct term for this hairstyle is “Fulani braids.” The Fulani people originate from Africa and are especially culturally known for intricate cornrows and adding cute beads into them too.


The frustration within the African-American community is understandable because the way that Kim Kardashian almost tried to brush off the fact she is not culturally appropriating those braids because they’re “Bo Derek” braids, is an insult. Bo Derek knew where to give credit to, why can’t you do the same, Kimberly?


Kim is also aware of the influence that she has on social media, the fashion industry, Hollywood, etc. She should’ve done better in not only learning the significance of this hairstyle for herself, but to be able to educate the people around her as well. If she channeled that same energy that she used to quickly exclaim that her braids aren’t culturally appropriated, into a tweet about the significance of cornrows and a selfie of her with them on, it would’ve gone a lot farther.


But, all the social media users only bagging on Kim shouldn’t be so quick to do so because she’s not the first one. (Surprise, surprise!) Tweets, Facebook posts, blog posts, etc, should be used to bring awareness to the style of braids themselves, not to destroy a person’s whole character.


I don’t see it as an issue for people who are not African to wear braids and dashikis, but you’ve got to pay homage to whoever did it first/invented it.