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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

As we face the coronavirus, we face another serious issue: “maskne.” Maskne, acne caused by face masks, is itchy and stubborn. While acne caused by wearing a face mask is not the most serious issue of the pandemic by any means, it still is very annoying. Wearing a mask is necessary to keep ourselves and others safe, so there is no real way to avoid those stubborn pimples. As the pandemic continues and we approach the holidays, we need to be especially insistent about wearing our masks around other people outside of our inner family/roommate circles. While we are practicing keeping others safe, we can also practice these simple tips to get rid of stubborn maskne.


Step 1: Avoid wearing makeup (for now).

Think back to quarantine when you had glowing skin from going on walks, baking bread, and most importantly, not wearing makeup. The break your skin got from makeup cleared your pores and created a glow. Let’s not let this lesson go unnoticed and take a break from wearing makeup for a little while. It will allow your pores to breathe and won’t get trapped under your mask. Besides, the mask hides pimples better than concealer.


Step 2: Invest in good-for-your-skin products.

I used to struggle with over drying my skin from harsh products. As an impulsive quarantine purchase (the best one I made), I invested in Cocokind skincare products. Cocokind is a company that uses only natural ingredients that are great for your skin and are not harmful to your skin microbiome. They promote the growth of good skin bacteria to create a glowing complexion. My new skincare routine not only cleared up my masckne, but it also got rid of stubborn pre-covid acne. Their products might not be the cheapest, yet they are worth every dime and last for a long time. Any natural skincare product will work wonders for your skin, and you will have a new glowing complexion, naturally!


Step 3: Create (and stick to) a skincare routine.

Your new skincare routine does not have to be fancy in order to be efficient. Use a good cleanser, toner, spot treatment, and moisturizer to really clear up your skin. If you want to be ~fancy~ add in a serum after the spot treatment! On top of treating your skin right, make sure to add other activities to your skincare routine: drinking water, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods. Don’t give up on the routine if you don’t see results right away; healing your skin takes time. The time and effort will all be worth it when your skin looks even better and healthier than the pre-maskne days!

An Illinois native majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics with a passion for all things health and wellness. A big fan of local coffee shops, traveling, and creating new Spotify playlists.