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Wellness > Mental Health

5 Tips and Tricks to Help You Stay ~Calm, Cool, and Collected~ During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

1. First things first, GET ORGANIZED.

If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to break out that agenda or that desk planner you haven’t used in a minute. I don’t know about you but I *love* making a to-do list and it’s always SO satisfying to check things off your list as you meet your goals and accomplish everything you’ve set out to do.  


2. Take a hike.

No, really. Grab a friend or check out for a little while and go by yourself for a walk. It’s summer, and especially if it’s sunny and nice where you are, you shouldn’t have to miss out on that. And you could even take your study session outside afterward and get some sun while you work.


3. Work it out!

Get in the zone by using mediation, yoga, and stretching, or just blow off some steam by going for a quick run. Burning off that extra energy can help you get rid of those pre-exam jitters, and deep breathing can help you center yourself so that you’re more keep your attention on what’s most important.


4. Know when to take a break.

This doesn’t mean you’re conceding to your studies or completely giving up. In some cases, taking a step back and coming back to your assignments and other pressing tasks can help you see the bigger picture and prioritize from there.

5. Have some fun!

Once you’ve finished some (or all) of the things on your list, don’t forget to take some time for you and have some fun, whatever that is for you! It’s not a sin to reward yourself for even the smallest accomplishments. Every little bit counts, so treat yourself! You’ve worked hard, so now it’s time to play harder. 

Now that you know how not to lose your head, get out there, friend! Write those papers, and ace all of those exams! I believe in you.


Bonus tip!

You know you can always try… actually sleeping for a few hours, right? Sometimes a much needed rest can actually help you more than you know. You’ll be less tired and more focused on getting things done.


Rachel is a junior and currently writes for Her Campus at Saint Louis University. She's currently studying MRI and Psychology and after graduating, she intends to head off to grad school with hopes of obtaining her Doctorate of Pharmacy. Rachel is originally from Chicago, Illinois (yes, the inner city, not the suburbs! Go Cubs!) She's involved in Kappa Alpha Theta, Clinical Health Sciences Club, and Habitat for Humanity at SLU and she loves all things related to literature, art, nature, travel and intersectional feminism. And you can probably always find her either in the library, having a wine night with friends, or binging episodes of Game of Thrones, The Office or Shameless.