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4 YouTubers Who Will Inspire You to Finally Start a Bullet Journal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

You may have seen pictures of people’s exquisite bullet journals flying around on Pinterest or Instagram lately and thought to yourself, hey! I want to try that! But as soon as you open your blank notebook and then fail to even freehand a straight line, you may be a bit disappointed. Never fear, though! Bullet journaling takes practice as you get to know what works for you and how you like it to look – do you want it to be more minimalistic, or would you rather make your bullet journal super artistic? Here are four great YouTubers whose videos you can watch to find inspiration!


1. Ryder Carroll



Ryder Carroll is actually the inventor of the entire bullet journaling system! He shows that bullet journals don’t need to be as fancy and artistic as everyone thinks they do; at the end of the day, your bullet journal only needs to help you keep track of your to-do’s. All that other stuff shouldn’t matter as much.


2. Kara (Boho Berry)



With hundreds of videos dedicated to bullet journaling, Kara (aka Boho Berry) is sure to inspire you with her massive variety of spreads, ideas, and artistic flair!


3. Amanda Rach Lee



Amanda Rach Lee is perfect to watch for inspiration for those of you who want to put in the effort to make your bullet journal artistic but maybe aren’t well-practiced in drawing. Amanda uses simple spreads decorated with simple color and designs that are cute, artistic, and easy to replicate!


4. Christine MyLinh



For those of you who have that extra bit of artistic flair and really want to go all out, Christine MyLinh’s beautiful style is sure to inspire you to crack out some fancy pens and paint and get going on making your own bullet journal beautiful!

Sarah is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Saint Louis University. She is a Junior studying English and American Studies with a primary interest in 20th-Century and Contemporary American Literature, particularly semi-autobiographical fiction and novels that celebrate diversity within the fabric of American society and culture. Sarah is originally from Minneapolis, MN (and will talk your ear off about it) and loves all things literature, intersectional feminisim, travel, food, and politics. Ask her for recommendations for exciting new novels or local restaurants, and she will gladly oblige!