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Why Having A Sister Is The Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Why Having a Sister is the Best


I have only recently come to realize how obsessed I am with my sister. We are three years apart and have always been close but as we’ve both gotten older, we’ve gotten MUCH closer. I am from Los Angeles but go to school in upstate New York, so while I do not get to see her that often, we facetime almost everyday and text all the time. I truly consider her my best friend and she inspires me everyday. It sounds cheesy, but I genuinely do not have enough amazing words to say about my sister. Although she’s only 16, she has incredible style, is super smart, and absolutely hilarious. Now that we are both “mature,” we can grab brunch, go shopping, see movies, and just drive around together for ages without getting bored or annoyed with each other. We still fight every now and again like all siblings do, but I do not know what I would do without her. Below are 5 reasons why having a sister is the bee’s knees.


1. Every night is a fun sleepover!

If you’re in the mood to order in chinese food, slather on a face mask, and watch a Nicholas Sparks movie…your sister is right there to do it with you. Nothing like a night in with your built-in best friend.


2. No such thing as getting bored on family trips

Do you dread family trips because you know your parents will bring up the internships you haven’t applied to and the grade you got on that one exam you didn’t study for? If you have a sister, you guys can share the heat so that one sibling doesn’t get all the attention.


3. You basically get 2 closets

I can safely say that half of the clothes I bring back to school with me after I’ve gone home are my sisters. We’re the same size (on my good days), so sharing clothes is a MAJOR plus.


4. She’s not afraid to be honest

Most friends will not be 100% honest with you about how your new haircut really looks or whether or not you should wear a cropped shirt after a month of not going to the gym… Your sister though? She will be honest. I cannot count the amount of times my sister has saved me from major mishaps.


5. She will be by your side no matter what

I know that no matter how bad a fight gets, nothing could take away the love we have for each other. There is nothing that my sister could do (though I know she wouldn’t do anything too terrible) that could change how I feel about her and I know she feels the same way about me.

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Emma Bernstein

Skidmore '19

Senior polisci major with a passion for matcha, Cristiano Ronaldo, late-night political comedy, and bucket hats.