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SnapShot: Ilie Lichtenstein

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Her Campus: Who are your style icons?

Ilie: I don’t have anyone in mind specifically, but I pay attention to what everyone around me wears so I can pick up ideas. Skidmore is such a fantastic place for fashion because people truly aren’t afraid to wear exactly what they want. I work at Urban Outfitters back at home so my co-workers really inspire my outfits as well as pushing me to try things I normally wouldn’t put on.


Her Campus: What is your go-to fashion accessory?

Ilie: The one item I depend on the most is my off white wool cardigan from Free People that is practically a blanket. It’s so warm and cozy and incredibly unflattering, everything you could ask for in a sweater.


Her Campus: If you had to wear the same outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ilie: I would probably wear what I’m wearing in my style snapshot because it’s simple besides the jacket. Three people told me I looked like Lana del Rey because of my coat, which could be a good thing because she’s hot but a bad thing because she definitely does cocaine. Either way, I’ll take it.


Her Campus: What is your least favorite fashion trend that you’ve seen around campus?

Ilie: I have trouble answering this because I feel like everyone is entitled to their own style and should be able to wear what they feel most comfortable in without criticism. If I had to choose one thing I personally would never wear, it would be duck boots.

Hey guys! I'm a freshman this year at Skidmore. I like hard rap music, shrimp tempura, and jean jackets.
A senior at Skidmore College, who loves beagles, batman, and sushi. You can find me dreaming about Anderson Cooper and doing crossword puzzles.