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Garrett Walker Flanagan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Name: Garrett Walker Flanagan

Class Year: 2019

Major: Environmental Studies

Hometown: Yarmouth, ME

Hobbies/Interests: Lacrosse/Soccer/Basketball, hiking, boating, hanging out with Peter Stansbury

Relationship Status: Single


Her Campus: What was one time you felt stunning?

Garret Flanagan: When I won the geography bee in 7th grade.


HC: What qualities do you look for most in a girl?

GF: A kind and considerate person with a good sense of humor, an interesting personality, and an ability to think for herself.


HC: What 5 items would be included in your dream care package?

GF: My dog, oreos, new socks, Volkswagen van, new pair of slippers.


HC: If you could take a class on anything, what would it be?

GF: A class on hand greetings (high five, daps, handshake, knucks etc..).


HC: If you could instantly be the best at anything what would it be?

GF: Parkour.


HC: Favorite fall/winter date?

GF: Carving pumpkins.


HC: Drink of choice for your water bottle.. Drink of choice for your solo cup?

GF: Water Bottle – Water; Solo Cup – a cold brew


HC: What fictional character reminds you most of yourself?

GF: Combination of Ross and Chandler from Friends.


HC: What superlative would you be most honored to receive?

GF: Best Dressed.


HC: What’s your favorite way to procrastinate?

GF: I have so many ways.. there are so many things i do.. but umm.. finding new music.


HC: Are you doing No Shave November/Movember?

GF: If I could, I would but no.

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Emma Bernstein

Skidmore '19

Senior polisci major with a passion for matcha, Cristiano Ronaldo, late-night political comedy, and bucket hats.
A senior at Skidmore College, who loves beagles, batman, and sushi. You can find me dreaming about Anderson Cooper and doing crossword puzzles.