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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

I think it’s safe to say we’re all a fan of the holidays, especially Thanksgiving. I firmly believe that it’s one day of the year that diet is a word that does not exist in my personal dictionary and we should focus on our blessings. Eat to your heart’s content! But this is a dangerous time of the year, where we slip into the habit of falling out of our healthy eating streak because “’It’s the holidays, I’m going to enjoy it.” Well I’m here to say, indugle. But, I will also give you tips to reverse the food coma.



Did you know that on average, Americans consume approximately 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving day? I don’t even want to go into the amount of sodium and sugar that we would normally eat in moderation that we take in, I’ll spare you the guilt. But if you’re like like me, you want to jump start your metabolism and see the holidays as a chance to indulge, but not overdo it.


Here’s a few tips to get back on track and slightly detox without depriving yourself of delectable leftovers.


  1. Don’t skip breakfast.  You may think it’s best to skip a meal since you ate so much on Thanksgiving, but never skip breakfast! By doing this you’ll slow your metabolism so your body goes into starvation mode, meaning the sugars you consumer later in the day will be stored in your body. Even if you’re craving some pie, opt for pumpkin and keep the slice small. Pumpkin is my favorite because not only does it satisfy my sweet tooth, but it contains both vitamin A and fiber. You’ll feel satisfied and less tempted to have a slice late at night.
  2. Get inventive. Most of us come home with a few days’ worth of leftovers, but there’s no need to have an entire Thanksgiving meal every day. Instead, at lunch or dinner, get creative. My mom always makes a leafy green salad packed with veggies and topped with leftover sliced turkey. Healthy and delicious. Not a fan of salad? Try shredding your turkey, mixing it with finely chopped veggies and make a lettuce wrap for a healthy and yummy alternative.
  3. Add exercise to your holiday routine. We burn calories and feel good just by simple movements. If you’re not in the mood to go to the gym or it’s too cold to run outside, try something else. I help clean the house after guests leave, which gets me moving. If you go shopping, opt to take the stairs if possible. Shopping is a surprisingly effective (and tiring) workout. 


I hope you all enjoy the holiday season and absolutely count each blessing you have! But remember, one day of over-eating is certainly not a reason to have every day be the same.

Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.