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10 Self-Care Strategies for Anyone In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.


So midterms are officially here, which means every college student is extra stressed and a little bit more on edge than usual. I am a freshman, so this is my first time dealing with the midterm atmosphere and taking my own college exams. Everyone gets a little less sleep, a little less chill time, and forgets that they’re human and have needs to survive like eating and drinking water. Any extra time in the day goes to sleeping or complaining on social media – trust me I do it. But hey guess what? You’re not going to do well on those tests if you’re run down and aren’t taking care of yourself. Here are 10 self care strategies for midterm week, finals week, or any week in between!


  1. Unplug from your phone

Put your phone on airplane mode for 30 minutes (or longer!) in the evening or whenever you have a chance to be alone. Being in constant communication with the world is not beneficial for your mental health. Get comfortable being by and with yourself!

2.      Give yourself an at home manicure

Who doesn’t love looking down at your freshly polished nails? Painting your nails gives you something to focus on other than your stress. Choose a favorite color that makes you happy and while you’re at it give yourself a little hand massage with a scented lotion, cut down your cuticles, file your nails instead of just cutting – do the works!

3.     Eat some food you love #Chipotle

I’m a big advocate for eating real whole foods and living a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes you just need a little boost. Chipotle is my go to when I’m feeling down, but whatever your fav is is what you should get! And hey, don’t feel guilty for washing it down with some ice cream too :)

4.   Call your mom (or best friend)

Call someone who will put a smile on your face and remind you of who you are. Since coming to school, my mom and I have gotten so much closer, but I also know she’ll ask me about school because that’s her job. My best friend goes to school in D.C. and going to college was a big adjustment for us because even though we went to different high schools, we were used to seeing each other everyday with sports. Anytime I’m feeling stressed she’s my go to because she can always make me laugh and no matter what’s going on in my life she’s my person and will always take my side.

5.   Stretch it out

Stretching your body out is a great way to release built up stress and tension. Look up a quick yoga video on YouTube and go for it! Yoga with Adriene is my personal fav. Or if you only have 5 minutes,  just touch your toes, reach your arms over your head, roll out your neck and shoulders, and breathe.

6.   Take a walk outside

Fresh air can be a huge stress reliever. Just sitting outside and taking a few deep breaths can change the rest of your day. As much as I wish the weather was chillier and more like fall, it’s lovely weather in the evenings or early mornings for a quick walk or stretch. Even on your way to class, plug in your headphones, close your eyes for a minute, and take a couple deep breaths of fresh air to help destress. Humans were meant to be outside and connected with the Earth!

7.   Journal

This isn’t for everyone so feel free to take this one with a grain of salt. Journaling can be a great way to get out your day’s stress and anxiety. Some people write about their days, some people write poetry, some people write short stories, but personally I make lists. Lists of the good, lists of the bad, lists of what I’m looking forward to. You can also draw or sketch!

8.   Exercise

I know I know, no one thinks they have time to workout in college especially when they’re stressed, but it’s all about what you make time for. Exercise releases endorphins which make you happy. Just 30 minutes a day (or even less time depending on the workout) is a great way to stay physically, but also mentally, healthy. It’s soooooo hard to start working out, but once you start it helps make you feel better about yourself everyday.

9.  Make a calendar/schedule

I know lots of people keep planners or agendas with their big assignments, tests, quizzes, and homework, but blocking out your schedule with study time, free time, workout time, and class time is so helpful. It helps you to make sure you get in enough study time and not get behind. Also, build in some time for self care!

10.  Say no!

FOMO is real everyone, especially in college when you literally spend all of your time around your peers, but you’re only human. You can’t successfully do it all, which is okay! Sometimes saying no can be liberating, knowing that you made a decision that makes you happy and will help you be successful is a great feeling. I encourage everyone to say no more often. Spend some alone time, take YOURSELF out to dinner, study, or take a nap- all good reasons to say no.


Self care is so so important, but it’s also different for everyone! These are just some ideas of self care techniques, but feel free to figure out what works for you as long are you’re being healthy and safe. If you find yourself in a hole that you can’t seem to pull yourself out of, you have long term symptoms or stress or other mental illness, or you just need someone to talk to, PLEASE seek professional care. I see a therapist on campus and saw one for 2 years in high school and I’m not afraid to admit it because I think everyone should see a therapist! Who doesn’t need someone who’s literal job is to help you solve your problems and listen to your rants? At SJU we have CAPS which is free, fantastic, and unlimited!

SJU 2022
Senior communications major at Saint Joseph's University with a passion for music and sports Philadelphia / New York City