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Ways I Got Rid of My Homesickness While in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Every high school graduate waits for the moment when they are about to move out for college. I know I was super excited when moving into college because I thought that every day was going to be a party, but that’s not true.

When I got to college, I got really homesick because I missed the comfort of being home with my family. 

I feel like many college students, especially freshmen, go through this. So here are some tips that helped me get rid of my homesickness. 

The first tip that I have is to read books. Reading books really helped me get out the negative thoughts and go into a new reality. I noticed that reading books can help out with mental health. Whenever I started to get anxious over missing home or even getting stressed out about my classes, reading has been something that has helped with getting rid of my anxiety.

Personally, I really love romance books, but even self-love books or mystery books are really good to read. One of my favorite books that I have read so far is “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover.

The second tip that I have is to get out of your dorm as much as possible. For me, I can’t stay in the same four walls for a long period of time, so I try to get out as much as possible. I sometimes go for a walk around the campus just to clear my thoughts.

Sometimes I go to different places around campus to finish up some homework or study. For me, the library has been my favorite place to go. I also try to go to different school held events to have fun and meet new people. I go off campus to explore new areas around me.

One of the places that I have discovered is the San Pedro Square Market in Downtown San Jose. They have great food places and small stores to go shop at, so it’s a great place to check out. 

The third tip that I have is to work out at the school gym. Every time I start to feel sad, I try to go to the gym to get a workout in. It allows me to clear my thoughts and focus on my workout more.

Working out allows me to feel better about myself and gives me a boost of confidence. It also allows me to get better sleep at night time because I’m not thinking about the negative thoughts in my head.

It can be an hour workout or even a 10-minute workout. Being active can help clear the negative thoughts and fill them up with positive thoughts.

The last tip I have is to call home. Calling home can easily get rid of homesickness. Hearing the voice of your family members just fills you with comfort.

Even factimeing your family members can bring comfort as well. I call my family at least twice a day, just to talk about my day and tell them that I missed them so much.

I feel like talking with my family has really helped with my anxiety lately and it makes me feel better. 

Homesickness is something that every college student struggles with. People get embarrassed about feeling homesick, but you shouldn’t.

Remember that you can talk to your friends and family about how you are feeling.

Everyone is here to help and try out these tips as well because it will help get out of your thoughts as it did for me. 

Do you have any tips to help get rid of homesickness? Let us know @HerCampusSJSU.

Hi, my name is Sabrina Hirani. I am a freshman at San Jose State University. I joined HerCampus to meet new people and also to empower women as well. I will be a part to the Writers Team this year. You can follow me on Instagram and Snapchat at @sabrina_hirani.