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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Have you struggled with negative thoughts? We naturally have critical views on ourselves whether it regards our financial background, appearance, social status, or personality. Whatever insecurity you may be struggling with, it is completely natural to have these moments of self-doubt. I often catch myself having a cycle of negative thoughts. If I have an awkward situation with somebody, I would replay different scenarios over and over, even when things are completely fine. With this being said, I began to realize that I was manifesting negativity into reality which affected my self-esteem and outlook towards life. To break this habit, I’ve started practicing positive self-affirmations. 

So what are self-affirmations? 

Self-affirmations are short and positive statements that help lift confidence, health, and self-worth. Repeating and believing affirmations will attract more positivity and optimism into your life. 

Here are some steps to effectively follow positive affirmations:

  1. Identify your negative self-thoughts 
    1. It is important to be aware of your negative thoughts and recognize where they are coming from. A good tip is to make a list of what negative qualities you think you have, whether it’s something you were told by your parents, peers, or teachers. Writing these thoughts down will make you more self-aware, which leads to a good sign for change and growth. 
  1. Asking for reassurance
    1. Asking for help can be difficult. It can make us feel vulnerable. However, it also challenges us, which improves our self-resilience. Sometimes, we forget that we are not the only humans going through problems. With that, it is important to surround ourselves with understanding people who can help facilitate and appreciate our growth. 
  1. Taking Action!
    1. After identifying your negative thoughts, it is time to take action and begin writing and reciting affirmations. Self-affirmations are meant to be short and simple, so they’re easy to remember. Because the statements are about ourselves, it’s important to start them with “I” or “My” and write them in the present tense. 

Some examples of daily self-affirmations:

I am worthy of the ____ I desire.

I radiate confidence.

I have inner peace.

My past mistakes do not define me.

I forgive myself and free myself. 

Dealing with our inner critics is a mental battle for the majority of us. Luckily, self-affirmations are a great way to start increasing more positivity in our minds! The more we shift negative thoughts into positivity, the more positivity we will attract and gravitate towards!

Have you used self-affirmations? Tell us by tagging us @HerCampusSJSU!