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Scandal Review: The New Olivia

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

We are now into the fifth episode of Scandal and I think it’s safe to say there are some changes this season. Perhaps, it’s because this is the final season and Shonda isn’t a writer who strays from shaking things up and blowing her viewers mind.

Let’s start with the obvious. The new Olivia Pope. You are either going to love or hate this Liv. You might love the power that she has seized and is no way near afraid to flaunt or, hate the fact that she’s become a little ruthless (cue flashes of her father). Not to mention she has her father trapped in the palm of her hand.

As chief of staff and secret commander of B6-13 she controls a lot, but many fear that the “white hat” has been put away in the closet and locked up for good. Being someone who loves this powerful chief of staff I still have hope that Olivia isn’t a villain.

Maybe the breakup between her and the new’s anchor, Curtis Pryce, will be her wake up call…. or maybe not. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens next week. Another uncertain relationship is the one with former President Fitzgerald Grant (of course). Although she got current President Mellie Grant to send him packing, it’s hard to believe that he will stay in Vermont.

And just when you thought Mellie could have some sort of peace or happiness with Bashrani President Rashad, the end of episode five sadly proved otherwise.

The “Scandal” world seems  upside down with Quinn Perkins being the new leader of OPA (now QPA) and Rowan (Eli Pope) having absolutely no power. It might make you miss the days when Olivia was leading her team of gladiators. However, there is no doubt that this season is worth watching. The show gives off a different vibe than previous seasons but, power is still the overarching theme. OK, the power aspect is being amplified by 10 in this season, while at the same time the episodes are moving at a somewhat slower pace. Nonetheless, I can feel the stress building up and when it releases it’s probably going to be something that will send us falling out of our seats.

While I admire the new Olivia’s dynamism, I can’t get onboard with the new Cyrus. Yes, he is finally VP and he got there by any means necessary he doesn’t seem to have the same fire. It makes sense after his time prison, but I miss him. It was nice when he stood his ground to Olivia but, it’s not enough. I want the old Cyrus Bean back!

Moving into episode six, it’s going to be interesting to see the details behind the exploding plane from episode five and Mellie’s reaction to that. You can’t help but what wonder if Liv had anything to do with it (i hope not). I also would like to see more from Huck and Abby.

And are Charlie and Quinn ever going to get married?

You can catch Scandal Thursday’s at 9 pm on ABC or on Hulu the following day.


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Tiana is a senior at San Jose State University and she is learning to take each day one step at a time while adjusting to life in the Bay Area. She's often watching YouTube videos on D.I.Y projects or hair care, but majority of the time she's watching Parks and Rec episodes while pretending to do homework. In the midst of all that homework dodging she's also casually planning her dream wedding.