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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

A few days ago, the US border patrol released tear gas and rubber bullets against the migrant caravan that has been peacefully walking across Central America. It was released when some of the people from the caravan started climbing over a fence in Mexico, crossing the Tijuana River. It has also been reported that some people (possibly just children) were attempting to throw rocks over the fence.

The tear gas was released, and wind carried it farther than expected. Ultimately hundreds of people, many of which were women and children suffered.

President Trump has put out a statement that the tear gas used was a “very minor form” and “very safe.” Tear gas can cause burning sensations, loss of breath and topic burns or rashes. It is classified as a chemical weapon, and it is banned in warfare. Mexico has called for an investigation.

Ex-Border Patrol deputy chief Ron Colburn stated on ‘Fox and Friends’ that the pepper spray used was so harmless, “You could actually put it on your nachos and eat it.” Yes, someone actually said that.

Even the Auschwitz Memorial put in a statement, and this is not the first time this year.


The wait to get an interview for asylum is up to five weeks; I anticipate we see another brutal attack soon. When did it become a crime to ask for help?

Sara Getman

Simmons '22

Sara is a current Undergraduate student at Simmons University, majoring in English and double minoring in Journalism and Political Science. She was the head editor and political writer at her high school newspaper and dreams of being a journalist some day. She is a junior editor for her Her Campus chapter and a radio host for Simmons The Shark radio. She's a musician, cat lover, artist, writer and obsessed with reading (especially Cassandra Clare.)