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7 Tips Every Retail Worker Needs To Survive Black Friday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.
  1. Wear Comfortable Shoes

My first Black Friday I decided I would wear riding boots because I thought I would be fine standing in them all day. So, I showed up in my jeans, my Gap shirt that we were required to wear, and my riding boots. I looked around at all my other co-workers and every single one of them were in sneakers. I had made my first Black Friday mistake! Go for comfort over style. Sneakers are the way to go. Standing and running around for over 9 hours, you will need the support. I fully recommend sneakers, even if it doesn’t match.


  1. Bring Lots of Food

Even though you’ll have stuffed yourself the day before and can’t possibly think about eating any more, bring food! You’ll thank yourself when you have extra food to snack on during breaks and even sneak a piece of candy or two while being on the sales floor. Black Friday only gets worse if you’re hungry! Thanksgiving leftovers are great, or even do a potluck style with your coworkers! It’s great, more food and you don’t have to cook all of it!


    3. Emotionally Prepare Yourself

Don’t take any rude comment a customer says to you on Black Friday seriously. They are tired, cranky from waiting in line, and just looking for the best ways to save money. Everyone will experience some customer complaining about how long the line is, I put on a smile and say it’s worth the wait, look at the deals you’re getting! You will get yelled at for things out of your control, be prepared and don’t take it to heart! Some customers will be especially nice to you and say sorry you had to wake up so early or even ask about your Thanksgiving; I have a real smile for those customers and might even take my time with them before the complainers come back. Kill ’em with kindness!


    4. Always Have Water On Hand

This might seem obvious, but people always forget to bring water out onto the sales floor with them. I highly suggest bringing a reusable water bottle with you and filling it up during every break you get! You will need it more than you think you do. You’ll also have an excuse to go to the bathroom when you get tired!


   5. Bring Layers

Within your shift, the store will change temperatures dramatically. If you have a certain shirt or outfit you have to wear, I suggest bringing a jean jacket or a flannel to wear over it. There will be an hour where it’s freezing and then you’ll come back from your break and you’ll be sweating! The busier the hour, the hotter you’ll be or you might have to switch positions in the store and starting running around, the layers will come off!


   6. Practice Being Mean

Just because the customer is always right, does not mean that you let them walk all over you. Be ready to not always give them exactly what they want. There will be a customer fighting over prices and yelling at you for a lower price. Do not give in, explain the situation to them and if they are still unhappy, call the manager over. The manager won’t be mad at you, they’ll thank you! Practice saying no to customers and not giving in to everything they want. You can be mean and nice at the same time!


    7. Try to Sleep or Drink Lots of Coffee

If you can get any sleep the night before without missing out on any Thanksgiving time, I would suggest trying to get as much as you can. You’ll thank yourself. That being said, don’t miss time with friends and family. Worst comes to worst, just get ready to drink a lot of coffee the day of. My work does runs to Starbucks!


Devon Tice

Simmons '20

I am a junior at Simmons University, majoring in Marketing and Management. I spend most my time in the pool, at the mall or exploring Boston!