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Which Character From ‘The Office’ Are You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

If you haven’t seen The Office you’re really missing out, so hit that up on Netflix! If you have, find out what character you are based on your Zodiac sign below!

Aries (March 20 – April 19): Dwight Schrute 

Like Dwight, Aries are determined and driven. Whether it’s finally marrying the father/mother of your son or becoming regional manager, you work persistently toward your goals. You have a sharp mind and seek positions of power and leadership. Sometimes you can be brutally honest and opinionated, which can sometimes get you in trouble. But like Dwight says, “I am ready to face any challenge that might be foolish enough to face me.” 

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Andy Bernard

A Taurus is usually confident and hardworking. Like Andy, you maintain order and aren’t afraid to step up to the plate as regional manager after Michael leaves – even if it takes some flattery and sucking up to the boss. On the other hand, a Taurus can be short-tempered, jealous, and a bit materialistic. You don’t back down and Andy makes this clear: “Big Tuna is a super ambitious guy, you know? Cut your throat to get ahead kind of guy, but I mean I’m not threatened by him. I went to Cornell, you ever heard of it?”

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Kelly Kapoor

A Gemini is usually youthful, sociable, and enjoys being the center of attention. Like Kelly, a Gemini’s mood can change quickly (which may explain Kelly’s on-and-off relationships). Geminis are very strong and intelligent but can be vain sometimes. A little smack talk never hurt Kelly Kapoor: “I don’t talk trash; I talk smack. They’re totally different. Trash talk is all hypothetical, like, ‘Your mama’s so fat she could eat the internet’, but smack talk is happening like right now, like, ‘You’re ugly and I know it for a fact cause I got the evidence right there.’ “

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Phyllis Vance

Cancers, like Phyllis, are very caring and loving. They attempt to be friends with everyone, even if they are not the nicest person (*cough* Angela *cough*). Family and relationships, whether they’re romantic or platonic, are so important to Cancers. Let’s be honest, Phyllis and Bob are one of the power couples in the show. 

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Leo (July 23 – August 23): Michael Scott

The one and only Michael Scott loves to be recognized. Leos tend to enjoy being the stars of the shows and have very vibrant personalities. They must be careful when it comes to their prides and egos, but they have some natural leadership abilities that are effective in many situations. Michael Scott sums Leos up best: “Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”

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Virgo: (August 24 – September 22): Angela Martin

A Virgo tends to be a perfectionist and likes things done his or her way. But Virgos should be careful about their perfectionist attitudes, or they could end up terribly critical and judgemental of others like Angela. Don’t be afraid to open up to new ideas in the party planning committee. Virgos strive for happiness and excellence. 

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Libra: (September 23 – October 22): Toby Flenderson

Libras are quite moral in their decisions. Like Toby, who worked in Human Resources, Libras know right from wrong. They often are problem solvers and peacemakers. Libras want to be liked, and usually are.  

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Stanley Hudson

Scorpios are somewhat introverted and keep their circles small. Like Stanley, Scorpios are not interested in the opinions of others and are often private. Although Scorpios like Stanley can be moody and sarcastic at times, they are loyal.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Jim Halpert

A Sagittarius is free-spirited and easy going. Like Jim, a Sagittarius is ambitious and goes after what he or she wants, even if the love of his or her life is engaged to someone else. They are fun and enjoy pastimes such as pranks and sports. A Sagittarius is a dreamer and is always looking to improve his or her live and career.  

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Oscar Martinez

Capricorns are usually well-organized, put together, and responsible. Oscar Martinez is the perfect example of a punctual and self-disciplined Capricorn. Capricorns need purpose in their lives in order to feel happy and successful. Oscar’s pessimism may be rooted in his lack of purpose highlighted in this quote: “I’m an accountant at a failing paper company in Scranton.”

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Ryan Howard

Ryan Howard, like an Aquarius, thinks outside of the box and is always coming up with new ideas. Unlike Ryan, hopefully, those ideas are legal. Aquarius people are not afraid of change, like going from an office temp to Vice President of Regional Sales.    

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Pam Beesly-Halpert

Pisces are caring, loving, and sensitive to others’ feelings. They are great friends to have around. Like Pam, Pisces are the ones to talk to in a crisis and are quite charming. Although they can be indecisive at times (the Jim vs Roy dilemma), they usually work through it. They are also creative and artistic. 

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So, which character are you? Tweet us with your character @HerCampusSiena!

Olivia Waldron is a Siena College Class of 2020 alumna. She studied English during her time at Siena.