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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Often times we set unrealistic goals, which lead to feeling letdown when they aren’t accomplished. It is important to take a look at things, and set goals that are within reach. If you have no musical talent, you are probably not going to be a professional musician (but hey, anything can happen). The point is that you need to set forth goals that can be accomplished and will leave you feeling satisfied. Don’t set goals you can never really complete or you can’t create a lifestyle around. This year, make a change, focus on a goal that you can really achieve. Here are some real goals that anyone can do!

1. Go to Bed Earlier Than Usual 

Try getting to sleep an hour earlier than normal and take note of how you feel in the morning. I guarantee you will feel significantly better based off the fact you got more rest. This is important, because we often wear ourselves out by not providing enough YOU time to rest and relax. Getting to sleep at an earlier hour will benefit you and provide that much needed you time!

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2. Try to Incorporate More Fruits and Veggies Into Your Diet

Fruits and vegetables are truly nature’s candies. It is so important to try to incorporate these into your everyday life, because there are so many health benefits behind them. Not only are there physical health benefits, but there are mental benefits as well. Mentally and physically, your body will be fueled and feel fuller longer.  

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3. Smile More

Smiling more often can lead to an overall boost in your day to day happiness. When you catch yourself in a frustrating situation, focus on trying to smile instead of getting mad. This is so important to do so that you can control your emotions better. Not only will you feel better, but the people you smile at might too!

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4. Talk to a Friend In Real Life

Ditch the social media and the cell phone. Meet up with someone to talk face to face. Not only is this good for your overall mental health, but it also insures that words and tones don’t get misinterpreted over the phone! Doing this will also provide some time to really connect with someone. Make sure if you are meeting, your cell phone doesn’t become a distraction.

5. Sit Still and Relax Each Day

Take some time each day to just reflect on life with no distractions. It might be best to do it outside, because one can focus on nature and let go of the burdens holding them down. We often overbook ourselves, leaving us drained and tired out. It is important to try to have some time to reflect each day, so we can evaluate outselves, and focus on a better tomorrow.

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Madeline is a Siena College Class of 2021 alumna. She studied business during her time at Siena.