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How to “Studercise” During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

“Studercise”: the study-exercise combo that will help you stop choosing between your time in the library and time at the gym during the most hectic week of the semester.

Think you are too busy during finals week to squeeze in a workout? Think there is no way you could possibly study and break a sweat in your dorm room? The following is a list of just some of the many exercises you could perform in the comfort and privacy of your dorm room while you study:

·         Jog in place

·         Jumping jacks

·         Squats

·         Lunges

·         Jumping lunges

·         Sumo squats

·         Pulse squats

·         Crunches

·         Sit-ups

·         Russian twists

·         Butt kicks running in place

·         High knees running in place

·         Wall sit

·         Mountain climbers

·         Push-ups

·         Burp bees

·         Plank

·         Triceps dip

·         Fire hydrants

·         Air punches

·         Leg lifts

It is easier than you think to implement these exercises into your studying. For example, as you read your notes out loud, hold a plank, wall sit, or squat position until failure. Another example is to do 10 burp bees, jumping jacks, push-ups or crunches for every flashcard you get wrong. These moves are all effective yet simple enough to do while near your desk. 

So quit making excuses and get to work. The possibilities of your exercise combinations are endless! Just make a plan to work them into your study time and you will see not only physical changes, but lower levels of stress, positive mood change, and improved cognitive functioning as well. Happy “Studercising”!




Courtney Flood is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied Psychology.