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How to Handle the Dreaded “What are your plans after graduation?”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Graduation is fast approaching for us Senior Saints, and before we know it we will be walking across the TU stage.  As we are entering one of the most exciting – yet scary! – times of our college career, we have so much to look forward to;  SienaFest, warm weather, Senior Week, Commencement Weekend, and more.  After all these festivities we will be forced to face the real world after our undergraduate, with endless opportunities and possibilities.  The world may “be our oyster,” but when you’ve yet to find your pearl, answering the dreaded – and oh so expected – “What are your plans after graduation?”  is daunting.  We are here to help with some down-to-earth answers to keep you going with a smile on your face even after you’ve been asked for the hundredth time.

“I’m going to keep all of my options open.”

Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t have a set career path!  Most people change their careers throughout their lifetime, and it is admirable to keep yourself open to whatever opportunities present themselves.

“I’m looking at/going to Grad School.”

Be proud of continuing your education, and even if you haven’t committed to a program yet, family and friends will love to hear what you are looking at.  They may even be able to share their personal experiences and advice about grad school to help you out!


“I’m in the process of applying to any and all the jobs!  Are you hiring?”

Everyone understands how difficult the job search is; don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t have a job lined up yet.  You can even joke and promote your services as a personal assistant to whoever asks you this question!

“I’ve got a job lined up and I couldn’t be happier!”

Whether it’s your dream job or even just a part-time position for now, be proud of the jobs/internships/opportunities you do have!  Having a plan after graduation is tough, and if you’ve worked hard for one, don’t be afraid to brag about it!


“I’m not sure what I am going to do, but because I went to Siena, I know things are going to work out alright.”

Ain’t this the truth.  The Siena community has an amazing reputation and alumni network, and you’ve worked hard these last four years for a great education.  Being a Siena graduate, know that even if it takes time, you have the best tools and community behind you as you embark on life’s next journey.

Emily Roehl is a Siena College Class of 2017 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied Accounting with minors in Computer Science and Information Systems.