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9 Choices in Your 20s You Won’t Regret Making

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Have you ever stopped, right before swiping your credit card or taking that next shot? We don’t stop because we want to stop but because for a brief moment we have that, “I am going to regret this tomorrow…” thought and then we say “F#@* it”! We use the word REGRET a lot while we are in college but how many times do we actually regret something over just saying we regretted it?

Regret is defined as an OVERWHELMING sense of DISAPPOINMENT over having done something or having missed out on an experience or opportunity

Let’s play a quick round of Would You Rather: Would you rather say that you have no regrets because during your 20s you were in bed by 8pm every night or

1. Taking a spring break trip

2. Study abroad

3. One night stand

4. Piercing and tattoos

5. Dying your hair

6. Having those 4:30am nights with your friends

7. Blowing money on a ridiculous purchase

8. Eating your weight in late night meals

9. Calling in “sick” to work or skipping your 8am classes