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Trying to Get the Benefits Without the Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ship chapter.

Trying to Get the Benefits Without the Work

By: Morgan-Victoria Johnson

There are a lot of people in this world that have extraordinary goals for themselves; whether it’s becoming wealthy, powerful, successful or important. Others are content with working 9-5, listening to their boss, doing their job, going home, sleeping and repeating the same routine.

But for people like myself, we cannot see ourselves stuck in the same routine over and over again. I want to be important, I want to have enough money to enjoy my life, have a family and more.

But the real question is…. Am I ready to put in the work to get there?


I have had an ongoing battle with myself for as long as I can remember about putting 110% into what I want to do in life. Every time I tell someone where I want to be in 5 or 10 years, they say things like, “You have to work hard,” “You have to give your full potential,” “You cannot expect results if you do not work for it”. Sadly, that has been my problem until now.

I don’t want to put in the work because I always felt as though being rich, successful and powerful was something that either happens to you or does not. I left it up to luck to come find me and shower me with all my dreams, but this is not realistic!

If you have a difficult goal that you want to accomplish, you have to work for it! You can’t sit around and leave it up to fate because you will most likely be let down. The quote I live by now is “Nothing worth having comes easy.” I have seen the work I can produce when I give 50%, 75% and 100%. You can completely tell the difference in how much effort I put into my work by the outcome of the product.


My Top 5 Personal Goals for Success


  • Organize your life and stop procrastinating.

Organizing your life can be quite difficult, but it can keep you on track when it comes to things you need to do daily. Make check list and have a schedule for yourself. You can cross off what you have completed and motivate yourself to keep up that habit of getting things done, not forgetting them or doing them last minute. Procrastinating is everyone’s favorite thing to do and most difficult habit to break. But once you organize your life and get yourself on track those bad habits will soon disappear and you will create healthy habits.

  • Improve your social skills.

Nowadays it is not solely about what you know, it is also about who you know. We are in a time where having connections and networking is beneficial to life. The more people you know, the better your chances are of being connected to someone who can help you get to where you need or want to be. You won’t believe how many doors can open for you just by having a conversation with someone. 

  • Take action and build confidence.

Being shy won’t get you far and not doing anything will get you absolutely nowhere! Take the time out to take action on the things you want to do. Doing this will help you build up the confidence to do even more when it comes to bigger actions.

  • Diversify yourself!

Being diverse is so important! Every job interview I’ve had, has asked me what diversity means to me and how important it is to the workplace. This does not mean that you have to change yourself and your lifestyle. It means that you have to be open minded to do things you are not use to, be around people you have never been exposed to and learn things you never would have. The world we live in today is becoming more diverse than ever before in history, go out and learn something new!

  • Continue to set short-term and long-term Goals.

You have heard this last one at least once in your life if not more. Goals give us something to look forward to and to accomplish. A short-term goal could be getting an A on your next exam and a long-term goal could be graduating from college. If you don’t reach your goals, do not be discouraged! Failure and setbacks are a part of the growth process. You can create more goals and your next goal could be to do better the second time around or work harder. Goals are like a self-evaluating system to make you a better you!


Set some of your own personal goals and keep working to become a better you! Give it your all and watch your life flourish!


I'm Nicole! Nikki, Nic, anything you want to call me really. I'm from south-eastern Pennsylvania and I love life and beauty. Whenever I'm not writing or taking pictures for my blogs or social media accounts, you can find me (hopefully) at the beach surfing, traveling, making new friends and seeing new places. I'm in love with people I've never met and places I've never been to. I am currently a Senior (!!!) at Shippensburg University, majoring in Communications Journalism (focusing in Public Relations) and minoring in Psychology. I would love to work for a PR firm with advertising, event planning and perhaps a chance to travel. Thanks for reading!! - Nicole