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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

Throughout the ages and in various places around the world, women have been in protest.

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, suffragettes were protesting for the right to vote. The movement began in Great Britain with New Zealand giving the right to vote first in 1893.

It was exactly 100 years ago this week that British Columbian women gained limited suffrage.

Women did not get the right to vote until 1940 in Quebec!

Gaining the right to vote is considered first wave feminism.

The 1960’s saw a surge of social change, where we see second wave feminism take place.

In Iran, with the Mohammad Reza Shah’s White Revolution between 1962-78, women gained many liberties.

After the White Revolution, hijabs became mandatory and women lost many rights.

In Japan, with the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the traditional patriarchal conditions were rejected. During the second wave ūman ribs (women’s liberation) took hold and women took inspiration from their western counterparts.

In the 1980’s, women were protesting abortion rights in this photo outside the British House of Commons. These rights have remained rather contentious, with a clear dichotomy of sides, hotly debating it still today.

In the 1990’s we see a musical revolution of riot grrrl, which became the protest song in the age of grunge. Girl power became a common phrase pasted on the lips of this generation.

In 1996, we also see the first issue of Bitch Magazine, that offers feminist critique of the modern age.

Now we lead into the present day with the Women’s Marches as a world collective fighting for the same women’s rights as the second wave expanding to the environment, immigration, racial equality and workers rights.

The march against Donald Trump was the largest protest in all of American history.

Looking back in time, we can see that women in protest has had a profound effect on where we are today. It is more important than ever to remember this unity and to let our voices be heard, as women in protest!


Photo Source: http://apjjf.org/data/430023.jpg


Kendra Nelson is a fourth year Communications student at SFU. She is a poet, short-story writer, and blogger. She is an aspiring novelist and is passionate about health and fitness.