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4 Things I’ve Learned Since Moving 4000 km Away From Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

It’s been almost 3 months since I moved all the way from my small Ontario city to Vancouver in pursuit of my education at SFU. It is my first time living away from my family, and I wanted to share some of the things I have learned on this journey.

 Living away from home can be scary, lonely, and sometimes feel unbearable, but I have also learned a lot about myself and my capabilities during this time. I hope that what I have learned can help any of you who may be in a similar position.


You are capable of independence


Since the end of high school, I have had a lot of anxiety surrounding my ability to take care of myself without the help of my family. Finding a good job, a sustainable relationship, and a desirable home were anxieties that constantly weighed on my consciousness. I worried that I may never be able to accomplish all of these things for myself.

That being said, since I moved out I have realized that I have the capability to be self-sufficient. I have done so many amazing things for myself since I moved that I never imagined were possible. I have learned that I can take care of my needs, travel by myself, and provide for myself. Knowing that I am capable of these things has given me a newfound sense of self-confidence, and I no longer feel so insecure about my future.


It’s okay to have bad days


While many of my pursuits since moving to Vancouver have been positive, I sometimes have days where the weight of this experience takes a toll on my emotions. I still get upset some days when I remember that I can’t see my friends and family back home whenever I want to. However, I realize that feeling this way is okay.

Moving away from home was a big step for me, and all these big circumstantial changes can have consequences on our mental health. I am human, and I sometimes have days where my emotional well-being has to take priority over everything else. What’s important is that I address these emotions and try to persevere, and I should take pride in the fact that I made such a drastic change in favour of bettering myself and my education.


It’s important to have fun sometimes


Living away from home can be hectic. I have to juggle my education, extracurriculars, work, taking care of my living space, doing errands, and many more things that I never had to consider before. It can be easy to forget to take time for myself to relax and de-stress. I have learned that sometimes need to stop and simply give myself a break to just have fun. Simple things like taking a bath, watching my favourite show, or calling my friends back home to catch up have been tremendous aids in making sure I don’t get so overwhelmed by life. Setting aside a few hours on the weekends to forget about that paper due in a week, or the groceries that I need to pick up, in favour of simply relaxing has helped my stress levels immensely.  



Make time for the people who care about you back home


It can be easy to get carried away with your life in a new city when you move away for the first time. For me, I have so many things to worry about in my immediate life in Vancouver, that I can forget about my other life back home. Still, there are many people who care about my wellbeing and want to maintain our relationship – even when I am living thousands of miles away. I owe it to their care and support that I am even in the position I am today. Not only does calling or texting these people let them know that I am still thinking about them, but it also helps me remember that there are people who are cheering me on this incredible journey called life. It is easy to forget that I have this support system but getting in contact with those I love back home has been an undoubtedly great source of encouragement. 



Olivia is a second-year English major at Simon Fraser University. In her free time, she enjoys creating fine art, makeup, and writing. You can also check out Olivia's instagram @whensummersets .