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Why Our Black is Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

So, Black History Month is swiftly coming to an end (not surprising, since it is on the shortest month in the year), so I thought that it would be interesting to ask my siblings Blessing, Paul, Timothy and friend Asia just what it is that they think make their black so beautiful. I also saw this as an encouraging way of holding the people you hold dear accountable for the way that they see themselves, especially when not too long ago a lot of people saw them in a whole different way.


 “Having the strength to conquer battles, having culture, natural hair and ultimately feeling beautiful on my own terms.”


 “Being able to defy the odds, when not so long ago we weren’t able to do that and having a strong soul. Having confidence in being different.”


 “It is me.”

I then also asked my dear friend Asia is she had anything to contribute over the topic.


“I think just being strong through everything, because we already have a tough time as a black person, and then as a woman in itself. So, being strong and trying not to let everything get us down, and still on top of that being the best that we can be. Look wise, we are coming with everything, like every shade is beautiful, then intelligent wise we are moving up as black women. A lot more African American woman are going to school and going for their dreams. It’s like seeing a flower go through concrete. Anything is possible!”

Lastly, I will conclude why I know that my Black is beautiful:

Not too long ago, people who looked like me were stripped of the privileges and the rights that I have today. But because of their bravery and sacrifice, the possibilities that I have over my life are endless. Something beautiful came out of that struggle. Our black is beautiful.

Photo by: Blessing Meregini

Joy Meregini is currently a student at Stephen F. Austin State University, majoring in Psychology and is on the pre-med track. She is a writer for HerCampus SFA. Joy believes that being a psychology major allows her to focus on people, and how to reach and understand them, which inspires her writing. Joy is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Joy holds an Associates from Tyler Junior College. During her down time she enjoys watching, and sobbing over episodes of This Is Us, and she is forever trying to learn a new language (still hasn’t).
Brianna is a Psychology major with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies here at SFA. She is passionate about people and that's how she landed a spot as CC for Her Campus' chapter at SFA! She enjoys hanging out with her cats, getting tattoos, and doing research. Her passion is to help the LGBTQ+ community by focusing on LGBTQ+ health and therapy in the future.