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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

I’ll never understand what gives them the right.

To hurt, to kill, to be filled with so much hate.

Because of them my kids will live in fright.


I think they are malicious and full of spite.

The majority are often white, male, and straight.

I’ll never understand what gives them the right.


They walk into people’s lives and take their light.

Innocent humans at the “wrong” time and place.

Because of them my kids will live in fright.


Victims, young and pure, they couldn’t put up a fight.

Churchgoers, students, and even the elderly aren’t safe.

I’ll never understand what gives them the right.


I wonder how these animals sleep at night.

Knowing that they’ve caused people to live in pain.

Because of them, my kids will live in fright.


A few get caught, rarely do they indict.

Maybe it’s due to their privilege and race.

I’ll never understand what gives them the right.

Because of them, my kids will live in fright. 

A Creative Writing major who just wants to read, write, and live.
Hello, my name is Sa Maria Boyd. I am a Louisiana native raised in the beautiful city of Fort Worth, Texas. I am a really fun person ( at least I'd like to think). I graduated high school in 2015 from the wonderful Western Hills High School. In my four years there, I was apart of the Color Guard, Key Club, Senior Board, My goal is to travel the world and learn about different cultures so that I can help the world become more unified. I am currently attending Stephen F. Austin State University where I will be receiving my Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communications with a minor in Psychology in May of 2019. While I have been in school, I have held the positions of Social Media Director/Vice President for Her Campus SFA, and Vice President for the 6812 Chapter of the NAACP. I have also worked on the Crew, the television production organization for the Mass Communications department, KSAU 90.1--The Axe, and all three shows for SFA TV2.