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It’s Midsemester Burnout Time, But We’ll Get Through It Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Here we are again, it’s right after midterms and our brains are pounding and we all just want to take a nap. Most people will wake up Monday morning and feel refreshed and ready to start the second half of the semester, but a large amount of us will groan, scream, and cry when the alarm goes off. The idea of putting that much mental energy into another seven weeks of roughly the same stuff is enough to keep most of us in bed when that dreaded alarm goes off Monday morning. So, if you feel like you fit in with this description, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

As someone who struggles every semester with the burnout, I’m starting to consider myself an expert on reversing it, but this time, I want to catch it ahead of time. Here’s a few tips to keep us all feeling relatively stress free:

  • Communicate with your professors

Nine times out of ten, they will understand and are more likely to talk schedules and rearrange things with you. They can’t read your mind, so just talk to them!

  • Have an accountability system with your friends.

It’s likely they’re going through the same issues you are. It’s nice to know that you’re all there for each other. Try carpooling or group study dates!

  • Try not to study in your room.

When we study in our rooms it can lead to us associating what’s supposed to be our calm space, with stress and frustration. It’s important to separate our calm and frustration.


It’s not always possible to get up out of bed, so take your naps, binge your shows, and just relax, everything will still be there in two hours.

  • Make some to-do lists and check them off as you complete your assignments.

Be sure to reward yourself after a certain amount of time so that you associate learning with positivity.

  • Remember that you’re a human being, not a note taking machine.

Treat yourself! Be proud! Take pride in your mistakes!

//Black Lives Matter//Gemini Sun//Aries Moon//Sagittarius Rising//English Major//Loves Sir Elton John, Janis Joplin, and most variations of chips and dip//