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How to Prepare for Infinity War

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

 Photo from: Screen Geek

Are you trying to prepare for Infinity War? Need a place to start? Here’s the list of the Marvel movies you need to watch and the order to watch them in. After watching these, you’ll be completely caught up and ready!

1. Captain America: The First Avenger

2. Iron Man

3. Iron Man 2

4. The Incredible Hulk

5. Thor

6. The Avengers

7. Thor: The Dark World

8. Guardians of the Galaxy

9. Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2

10. Iron Man 3

11. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

12. Avengers: Age of Ultron

13. Ant-Man

14. Captain America: Civil War

15. Black Panther

16. Spider-Man: Homecoming

17. Doctor Strange

18. Thor: Ragnarok

Brianna is a Psychology major with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies here at SFA. She is passionate about people and that's how she landed a spot as CC for Her Campus' chapter at SFA! She enjoys hanging out with her cats, getting tattoos, and doing research. Her passion is to help the LGBTQ+ community by focusing on LGBTQ+ health and therapy in the future.