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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

The reasons I take pride in what I work hard for, why I know every single dance on Just Dance 2, why I am so girly, why I mix my eggs, bacon, and hash browns together with an unnecessary amount of hot sauce, why I am the strong woman I am today. Family. Mom, Dad, Kirsten, and Sydney; you are the reasons.

I would like to think that I have the best family in the world, but that is subjective of course. But honestly, without my mother to remind me that I am beautiful and have wonderful taste in fashion (not gloating, all true), my father to keep me grounded and remind me that happiness is indeed a choice, my older sister Kirsten to remind me of my faith that never abandons me, and my little sister Sydney to ultimately remind me that life is way too short to take seriously, I would be, well, not me. My family has not only taught me all these amazing lessons but is the main reason I am motivated to wake up and take on every day. I am fortunate enough to have parents who can provide all my needs and an education as well as sisters to motivate and push me every step of the way.

It is easy to simply brag about our friends we see every day in college, which is totally not a bad thing! But the separation from home sometimes leads us to forget how we got where we are in the world in the first place. The gratitude I have towards my family is indescribable, they are my backbone and the reason I am the weird, caring, sometimes selfish, strong lady I am today.

Mom, Dad, Kir, and Syd the Kid, I love you all so much.Photo Credit: Erin Taylor Long

Hey y'all! I'm a senior at SFASU however I am currently student teaching in Houston. I am passionate about literature, reading, writing, makeup, and music. I hope y'all enjoy my articles and see a glimpse of me in each one. :)
Hello Everyone! My name is Laura Restrepo and I go to SFA. I plan to major in psychology so I can use my degree to help others and make this world a better place. I am a writer for Her Campus. I love to read anything and everything whether its books, magazines, blogs, fan-fiction, journals, etc. I enjoy all types of music; I am open to anything. I am also a huge nerd for Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings/Hobbit series. In conclusion, the perfect day for me consists of these things with coffee and cold weather.