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Watcha Drinkin?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

There’s no place like college to learn some inventive new ways to drink as cheaply as possible. We run out of mixers, we only have twenty dollars in our bank account, the list goes on and on as to why no one was sipping specialty cocktails this weekend. Here are some classic Sewanee answers from Friday night to the question, “What are you drinking?”

“Cranberry and vodka. I always just fill up my nalgene with mixer so I don’t have to buy any.”  

“LaCroix, Tito’s vodka, and red Gatorade powder. Not proud.”

“Andre straight out of the bottle, still in the paper bag from the liquor store.”

“I went with the classic whiskey and coke.”

“Rum with crystal light packets. It sounds gross– well it is kinda gross– but it’s really not that bad. Gets the job done.”

“At this point I’m not 100% sure what’s in this to be honest.”

“I keep telling people this is water and I’m taking it easy today, but actually I just ran out of mixer, and I’m ashamed to be drinking straight Aristocrat out of a Dasani bottle.”  
