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If Liz Lemon Went to Sewanee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Come on, you know she’d be the perfect wingwoman. 

1. She would remind us that alcohol isn’t everything.

2. When people don’t respond to her passing hello:

3. When someone asks her if she wants to go to the Pub:

4. When a professor tells her an assignment is due on Monday:

5. She’d have a good attitude about pledge hairstyles:

6. She’d react like we all do when our friends in state school sororities post pictures of themselves throwing their hand signs:

7. When the person in front of her in the Clurg dessert line gets the LAST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE:

8. When she dances at frats:

9. What she would tell that couple getting a little too intimate on the dance floor:

10. When she realizes she has more pub bucks than she thought:

11. When Clurg runs out of ice:

12. When it’s finals week and she just can’t:

13. She would love the reorganization of fratside:

14. She would gladly forego yet another night in a dirty frat house:

15. When she realizes she goes to school on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere (and that it has its perks):

16. And then when she realizes she doesn’t actually go here:

Annie is a senior English major and Women's and Gender Studies minor from Macon, GA.