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The Essential Finals Survival Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Well, folks we made it.  It’s time once again for finals.  Because I don’t want to study either, I’m going to lay out for you a list of everything you could possibly need for studying, or things to shop for when you’re procrastinating!

1.     Dry Shampoo

Sometimes when studying you have to prioritize things a little bit, and sleep is usually more important than a shower.  Fortunately, dry shampoo can fix unwashed hair, at least for a day.  It isn’t a permanent fix, but it definitely helps, and you’ll be glad you have it!

2.     Nail Polish

Painting your nails is the sort of small task oriented activity that is proven o increase focus, and because it’s something you actually want to do, it works as a great way to prime your brain for intense studying.  Plus, I always feel like my life is just a little bit more together when my nails look good.

3.     Coffee Mug

Basically the most important part of most people’s study process is coffee, so why not step up your game so that your coffee looks like a part of your ensemble? There are tons of cute coffee mugs, and they’re way more environmentally friendly than getting tons of paper or plastic cups from clurg and Stirlings. 

4.     Water Bottle

The only drink more important than coffee is probably water, so it’s just important to have a good water bottle! Staying hydrated is really key for being healthy and focused.  It can also reduce stress, so definitely look into getting a good water bottle if you don’t already have one.

5.     New Notebooks

This might seem a little odd, because most people take notes on laptops, and those that don’t have all their notes already, but copying information by hand is a great way to memorize information.  Also, there’s something really nice about a completely blank notebook, it feels like a fresh start.

6.     Chocolate

Or really any of your favorite sweet treats.  Of course eating healthy is important during stressful times, but it’s really smart to reward yourself for accomplishing a task.  So next time you finish a paper, treat yo’self and have a little chocolate!

7.     Spotify

This isn’t really news for anyone, but Spotify is a great source for music, with awesome playlists for studying as well as relaxing after you’ve done your time.  My favorite study list? Afternoon Acoustic! It’s super chill, relaxing music, but it’s familiar enough that you can sing along if you want.

8.     Headphones

This goes along with number seven, but good headphones make good music better.  Don’t suffer through studying listening to music through crappy headphones.  Go ahead and invest in some better ones if you can, because they’ll work better for longer, unlike the cheap ones which need to be replaced frequently. 

So there’s my list of everything you could possibly need for finals.  Good luck to y’all and may the test be ever in your favor!

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Carley Roe

Sewanee '18

Carley is currently a senior.  She is a psych major with an education minor, because she really likes kids and talking about her feelings.  Carley is from Columbus, Ohio and relocated to the south for the "better weather".  She loves dogs, horses, nail polish, dresses, and bows. In her free time she enjoys texting her mom, horseback riding, reading, and netflix.  Her dislikes include jogging, being cold, and eels.  Learn more about her here!