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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

I love Halloween movies. You love Halloween movies. We all love Halloween movies. Now is the time for us lovers of Halloween movies to bask in the glory of how effortlessly one can gain access to the world of spooky cinema throughout the marvelous month of October. Gone are the days when our friends would give us the judgemental side-eye for feeling the inescapable urge to binge watch every Halloweentown movie. It is now our time to shine. It is time for us to rise up against the haters of Halloween and take what is ours for the one month of the year where we can feel no shame for the cliche plots of a classic horror film. I am here to inspire you. I am here to present you with seven movies to make this Halloween one for the ages.


1. The Halloweentown Movies

I thought I’d just rip the bandage off with this one. We all knew these were going to be on the list so I figured it would just make sense to list it first. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say much about how awesome these movies are. Despite recasting the main character for the very last movie, all four of the films in this series are equally amazing. I know we all have our favorite, but that’s beside the point. These movies are beautifully whimsical and just spooky enough to have a relaxed movie night with your friends.

2. The Addams Family & The Addams Family Values

I’ll be honest here. I think the second one is better than the original. There. I said it. Sue me. However, the first one is still awesome. This movie is good for those of you who enjoy a little bit of dark humor in your day to day lives.

3. Evil Dead

If you and your friends are looking for an all out gore-fest, boy oh boy is this the movie for you. Lots of blood. Too much blood. It’s a cult classic and best of all, it has not one, but TWO sequels.

4. The Shining

Far far too scary. By far. I was scared.

5. Children of the Corn

I watch this movie every Halloween night and it’s definitely become a tradition for me. The opening scene to this movie gets me every dang time and I’m always terrified by the time the credits role. It’s a classic, so you should watch it.

6. Halloween

Oh hey look! Another cult classic! How could I possibly leave this movie off this list. I wholeheartedly stand by the opinion that the first and original one is the only good one and nothing will make me change my mind. This was one of the first real horror movies that I ever watched, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

7. Scary Godmother

I’ll take things down a notch since I know not everyone can handle legitimately scary movies. This is a Halloween movie that I’ve grown up with and I’m not afraid to say that I still watch it at the ripe age of twenty. I’m shameless.