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Valentine’s Day: The Scariest Insta Day of the Year.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone’s always looking for an excuse to post. People go nuts for the holidays. Mother’s day? Girl l we KNOW your momma won’t see that post, she’s busy sharing inspirational quotes to her Facebook friends. What is the point of sending a message to someone who is never going to read it? I swear, if there was a Great Uncle’s Second Cousin Day people would find a way to post for that too.

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, it’s a juicy holiday for Instagram. It’s like all these secret relationships are exposed. Like, that’s pretty funny you have a boyfriend Susie because I could have sworn I saw you flirting with someone different at the party last Friday. No? Okay. What I’m dying to know is why aren’t these people showing off their relationships more than once a year? Respect for keeping it low-key, but I’m just a confused follower on V-day. That’s about all I have to say on this topic for now. I’m sure by next week there will be more social media shenanigans I’ll feel compelled to rant about. Until then, thanks for listening folks!