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For the High School Athletes Who Don’t Play in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.


Are you an athlete?  Yes!  Wait no…Well, I used to be.

Students who continue their athletic career into college have no problem answering this question.  And students who’ve never played a sport, or stopped in early middle school obviously can answer no.  But what about the girl who was captain of the volleyball team in high school, who played year round on club teams and in beach leagues, but didn’t continue in college? Sports consumed her life for 18 years, but now that part of her identity has been stripped away.

People like this may want to answer yes, I am an athlete.  But then it’s followed by, “oh what sport?” to which you awkwardly have to explain that actually, no you’re not an athlete, at least not anymore.  And with this realization also comes a million thoughts that run through your head.

Are you now the same as those un-athletic people who can’t even walk down the street without tripping?

You hope they don’t group you with the clumsy uncoordinated people, because you’re definitely not one of those!

Or even worse are you that obnoxious sporty-wanna-be?



Are you that person who brags about your athletic abilities, but doesn’t even play a sport to prove any of them?

What do you even do with your life anymore?


You used to spend 24 hours a week at practice or playing games in high school.  What do you do with that time now? Do you really spend that much time in your bed?  Maybe you should start going to the gym or get another job…

But don’t freak yourself out.   Just because you can’t label yourself as an athlete anymore doesn’t mean you’re out of shape, or clumsy.  Not being an athlete doesn’t mean you can’t be athletic.  So hit the gym, go for a run, do some yoga, play pick up sports and wear your under armour sweats with pride!

Public relations major, bussiness admin and web design minor, knowledge lover, ring wearer, water drinker, Jersey raised.  Can be found upside down on a yoga mat, walking my dog, snapping photos, or laughing with friends. XO, namaste!