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Big/Little Reveal: My Experience

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

I just recently joined the sorority Alpha Sigma Tau, and everything about it has been amazing. I’ve already met friends that I know will be in my life forever, no matter where I go, or what I do in life. But one of the things I looked forward to most was getting a Big, which finally happened this week. I was extremely impatient for it, even though the process was insanely short. The turnaround from speed dating to finding out who my Big is only lasted about five days, but those five days were agony as I tried to guess who my Big could possibly be.

During speed dating I was able to meet all the girls who were going to be a Big this semester. Some I fell in love with right away, while others I didn’t exactly click with. Lists were made, Bigs were told who their littles were going to be, and the clues started coming. My clues were messages in bottles, with little canvases of the sorority initials. I received three clues up until the night of initiation. By then, I was going crazy trying to figure out who my Big could be. The clues were no help as they were vague and could have represented anyone.

When my Big was revealed to me, I was ecstatic. She was someone I had really connected with during speed dating, and honestly there is no one better that I could have asked for. Now I’m looking forward to getting to know her even more, and continuing to build on the connection that we already have. I’m so excited to not only consider her my sister, but my Big as well.

Hi! My name is Kiah Conway and I'm a double major in Journalism and Creative Writing here at Seton Hall. I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus, as well as a Chapter Advisor for some HC Chapters. If it wasn't already obvious, I am really passionate about writing. I'm also a serious Netflix addict and book lover. In between binge watching Marvel movies and doing homework, I spend my time hardcore Pinteresting and writing short stories.