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8 Things to do When You Feel a Cold Coming On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

It’s certainly that time of year, every time you look the other way someone is complaining about a sore throat, stuffy nose or major headache. When your friends are the culprits of these complaints, we all know it’s only a matter of time until you’re going to be joining the under the weather party. But there are ways to avoid access to this party! Check out these 8 tips that we’ve found will keep you feeling great all winter.

1. Eat Oranges

Oranges are stocked with vitamin C, and they’re tasty! During the winter it’s safe to say an orange a day will keep the doctor away. 

2. Work Out

A nice workout can really make you feel much better! Sometimes a quick jog on the treadmill can have you feeling like a new person. 

3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep will help everything! No matter how bad you feel, a good night’s sleep can seriously turn a day around for the better.

4. Wear Your Jacket  

No matter how warm you may think it is outside, always be safe rather than sorry and bring your jacket! Nothing will have you feeling worse than shivering in the cold walking back from class. 

5. Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin C 

This will save your life. Vitamin C drops, supplements, or drinks will help boost your immune system. 

6. Take a Hot Shower 

The key to cleansing out clogged sinuses is a longgg & hot shower. 

7. Gargle with Salt Water 

Another key to halting a sore throat in its tracks! A quick mix of warm water and salt will totally help your throat. 

8. Drink Tea

Tea, the key to everything! Ditch the coffee for a few days and swap it out with some tea. You can still get your caffeine fix and help your body get back to feeling 100%! 

While striving to become a high maintenance magazine girl, Rachel in the mean time, is a Senior Diplomacy major at Seton Hall. Obsessions include: her dog, airplanes, horoscopes (Cosmo astrologers are n e v e r wrong), and her sorority. When asked where she plans to be in 10 years Rachel responded "In 10 years I hope I'm either a very successful NYC woman or on vacation...either will do really."