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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

February! One of the most unique months of the year, and not just because of its length. Check out our 4 favorite facts about the fabulous month of February. 

1. Its one of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language! 

Not everyone can get a 12/12 on their months of the year spelling tests. 

2. No Full Moons 

Well not every year, but February is the only month that can run its course without a full moon. The next time this will happen is next year, 2018. 

3. Doggy Toothbrushes & Pancakes? 

February is National Pet Dental Health and Hot Breakfast month in the United States! Who would’ve ever thought those two things would go together? 

4. Have Your Cake & Eat it Too? 

An 8th century author referred to February as the “month of cakes” because it was the time for gifts of cakes to be given to the gods by mortals. Maybe now we should all just give each other cake instead! 

While striving to become a high maintenance magazine girl, Rachel in the mean time, is a Senior Diplomacy major at Seton Hall. Obsessions include: her dog, airplanes, horoscopes (Cosmo astrologers are n e v e r wrong), and her sorority. When asked where she plans to be in 10 years Rachel responded "In 10 years I hope I'm either a very successful NYC woman or on vacation...either will do really."