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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Not only did Star Wars: The Force Awakens blow my mind and send me back to a place of nostalgia filled with a smaller version of myself running around wearing Princess Leia buns, but it also made the feminist inside of me squeal with joy. For once, a movie about space that has a female character that’s tougher than all the boys! Rey, portrayed by the wonderful Daisy Ridley, has become my new favorite fictional female. Here are five reasons why Rey from Star Wars is the female icon we’ve all been waiting for: 


1. She can manage herself. I know, quite a shocker! A female who can run by herself, without some guy dragging her along? Rey’s insistence on taking care of herself and ability to fight off whoever is in her way is inspiring. And, not to mention, her mysterious parents left her behind to fend for herself for how many years? And she still keeps up hope? Impressive. 



2. Her beauty isn’t her power. Yes, Daisy Ridley is gorgeous, but that’s beside the point. Not once is Rey’s beauty or sexuality the center of attention – rather, it’s her brains and her strength. Her outfit doesn’t focus on her curves but instead is actually mobilizing and allows her to fight. 






3. She’s smart as hell. Living by herself all those years sure did pay off. Did you see that scene where she fixed the motivator on the Millennium Falcon? Even Han Solo didn’t know how she did it.  




4. She isn’t defined by her love interest. I’m not even sure she has a love interest. Either way, none of the males, or females, in the movie are trying to make her their wife, which is a nice change. 




5. BB-8 loves her. This one speaks for herself. If that cute little droid approves, then so should the rest of us.  




All hail Rey. And in addition to this, the movie features a black hero and there are rumors that there is going to be a gay character in episode VIII. Hooray for diversity and equal representation in film! It’s a step in the right direction. 


Seattle University student, lover of Harry Potter and Star Wars, writer, dreamer, adventurer.
I'm Skyler. I go to Seattle University in hopes of earning a degree in Creative Writing. I love to discuss and write about LGBTQ politics, fashion, and I spend way too much time scrolling through Tumblr.