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If Disney Characters Attended Seattle U

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Whether we were watching Disney channel shows, original movies, or classic movies, we are truly the Disney generation. Having grown up with these characters, it can almost feel like we know them. So, what if they were to go to school with us? This is what our favorite Disney characters would be like as Seattle University students.


She’s that girl that does everything. She makes it to the gym every day (even if it’s raining), never skips a class, has a club meeting every day, and still has time to do something artsy on the side. Basically, she is what we all want to be even though we can’t get out of bed before 11am.


Snow White

She is in the dog park every chance she gets and stops to pet every dog on her way to class. If there are no dogs around, she will stop to take pictures of the ducks in the chapel fountain. She most likely works as a Student Gardener and is always humming in the elevators.



She is the hardest working person you know and never fails to impress you. She is that one friend who always gets her work done ahead of time, but still always seems to be busy anyway. You can plan on finding her in the library or working a long shift at the Bistro, but any time you manage to drag her away from work, she is incredibly fun and will always give you the support you need.



Mulan would apply to Seattle University as an engineering major, but quickly find a place on campus in the Society of Feminists. Sure, her class schedule is full of calculations and laws of physics, but her energy is focused on making sure women have equal opportunities in the field. She volunteers at Bailey Gatzert teaching students about STEM subjects, and makes a point of calling on the girls in the class when they raise their hands.


Sleeping Beauty

She is that girl who freaks out every time the sun comes out, but will still dance in the rain whenever she feels like it. Her instagram is full of sunset pictures and pictures of her food, but she takes it in stride and is never too ashamed to appreciate the beautiful things in life.



Belle works in the library, of course, and is always helpful to anyone she meets. When she is not working or in class, she is in the Byte reading a book in one of the comfy chairs. You can always count on her to know the best coffee shops around.



She is always outside and the rain never bothers her. She is never afraid to correct people when they are being closed minded and everyone is jealous of her because she never gets winded when walking up the hills or student center stairs.



Ariel is passionate about everything and always manages to make you excited about the next big thing. She is involved in everything, from choir to swim team, and is always dragging you to every event on campus because she wouldn’t dream of missing anything.



She’s the girl that knows everyone. No matter where you go she’ll run into someone she knows. She probably works at C-Street and never fails to give you a smile no matter how busy she is or how quickly you are trying to get out of there.

Robin Hood

Robin would be that student who steals from C Street (ALTERNATIVELY: USES THEIR EXTRA MEAL PLAN MONEY) to feed their poor friends who ran out of meal plan money at the end of the quarter. He’s at every meeting for budget transparency and goes around collecting the free stuff from the Free & For Sale Facebook page to donate to the Lifetime AIDS Alliance thrift store. He’s a Social Work major but is always chasing after the cute Albers student he grew up with.

Lizzie McGuire

Lizzie would always be complaining about the low male-female ratio at Seattle University, even though her best friend happens to be one of the lone single straight men at the school. You’d find her at the UW campus on weekends looking for the “typical” college experience or in the Murphys playing Cards Against Humanities with a group of her fellow Fashion Club members. Before graduating, she gets roped into performing at Neumos when Gin Wigmore is a no-show.


Peter Pan

Peter would always be the first SU student with Lucky and Freaknight tickets. He’s always looking for a good party because he wants to take full advantage of college life before he’s forced to grow up. He stays in the Pre Major program as long as the school lets him, and ends up taking a fifth year to get his Philosophy degree. He studies abroad in Puebla every summer, where he ends up inspiring a group of local kids to follow their dreams.

Chad Danforth

Chad would, of course, be one of the star Redhawks basketball stars. He takes some time adjusting to the social awareness vibe on campus, claiming he, “doesn’t dance” with social justice. Eventually, someone at a party on 15th explains feminism to him with an Aziz Ansari quote, and he nods his head in understanding. By graduation, he’s been to two Bernie Sanders rallies with his basketball buds and is constantly sharing Buzzfeed equality videos on Facebook.



Pluto is every dog you see on campus. You love running into him on your way to class, the library, your dorm, everywhere. He brings a smile to your lips and joy to your heart. Don’t be afraid to reach out for a little head scratch! 

Just another college student trying to have it all, including style and comfort; follow my personal struggles with fashion, finances, and the future at www.thehannahgold.com
I'm Skyler. I go to Seattle University in hopes of earning a degree in Creative Writing. I love to discuss and write about LGBTQ politics, fashion, and I spend way too much time scrolling through Tumblr.