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Finals Week As Told By Dogs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

We’ve tirelessly scoured the Internet for the cutest dogs out there. Here’s what they have to say about finals week:

“Finals week sure does sneak up on you.”

“Gotta get to the library…. NOW!”

“I can totally study another hour….”

“It’s easy to resort to eating junk comfort foods when you’re stressed out, but it’s important to eat healthy during finals week…Or at least try.”

“We had a term paper??”

“The final will count for 25% of your grade.”

“I have three finals, two papers, two projects due this week, I have to pack up to go home, I have an extra shift at work…”

“That’s due TOMORROW?”

“I can totally pull an all-nighter to study for this test…”

When your friend says they don’t have any finals this quarter:

“I know I said you wouldn’t have any homework this week, but here’s some reading and I’d like you to write a quick reflection on it.”

“I just need to get an A on my final to pass this class.”

When your friend acts like they’re the only one who has a ton of stuff to do this week:


“If I get this essay done now, I can go out tonight.”

When you know you did awesome on that test:

Flying into class at the last second:

“I’m so close to being done!”

When you’ve finally finished your last final and get to go home and relax:

We hope these dogs have inspired you to work hard, and show those finals who’s boss.

Good luck, everybody!

Just another college student trying to have it all, including style and comfort; follow my personal struggles with fashion, finances, and the future at www.thehannahgold.com
I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.