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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Birthday: August 8, 1994

Major: Political Science and Environmental Studies

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Extracurricular Activities/Interests:  Director of EMS (the student run EMT squad), soccer and flag football intramurals, and rock climbing one quarter of freshman year

Relationship Status: Single


Who would play you in the Netflix Original Series about your life?

Jake Gyllenhaal, he’s my boy. I love his movies. He doesn’t particularly look like me but it’s good.


Which songs are you most embarrassed to admit that you jam out to?

Taylor Swift. Just her hits, though. I click on the first thing YouTube gives me, and that’s always good.


What is your favorite memory at SCU so far?

Getting onto the EMT squad at the end of sophomore year. So many qualified people apply but there isn’t enough space to hire everyone. I was really lucky to get it.



If you were an emoji, which would you be?

I don’t use emojis.


Favorite place to study on campus?

Back stacks, in the basement of the library.


Most embarrassing moment?

A girlfriend of mine farted in class and I took the blame for it.


Pet peeves?

Girls that are on their phones too much on a date or when we are hanging out. I just like them to be in the moment when we are together.


Favorite place to eat off campus?

Athena Grill. It’s hidden in the middle of a bunch of tech companies about ten minutes away. Greek and Italian food is my favorite.


One thing on your bucket list?

Coachella and Bay to Breakers. I still haven’t been even though I’m a senior, it’s pretty sad.


Interesting fact?

After I graduate I want to take a year off and fight fires in Eastern Washington. My dream job is to be a smokejumper.


Celeb Crush?

Alex Morgan, by far and away, my gal.






sJess Seandel started writing for Her Campus this fall. She is a sophomore Accounting major with a minor in Retail Studies. In her spare time, you'll find Jess listening (dancing) to Christmas music year round, singing karaoke (horribly), watching crime shows on Netflix, and eating pizza. 
Victoria is a senior at Santa Clara University and is a History and Spanish double major with double minors in Political Science and Anthropology. A native Los Angelino, she's a huge Kings & Dodgers fan & will defend her favorite teams fiercely. Lover of Netflix, popcorn, & mint moose tracks ice cream. You can basically count on finding her snacking, binge-watching Game of Thrones, or in the library (sometimes all three at the same time).