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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Disclaimer: I am a freshman, and I have done all of these things.

1. Don’t have floorcest.

Am I the only freshman that didn’t know this was a thing? I mean… I totally haven’t done it… But let’s be honest, freshmen are definitely the first ones to eagerly break this rule. Your floormates are the first guys and girls you are going to meet, and if you’re single and ready to mingle, well…

2. Don’t go to parties early.

There’s a difference between getting to a party early when 30 people are there versus being the only one there because you thought it would be a more effective way to get drinks. When parties are being shut down at 10 p.m. because people are showing up too early, you know something is wrong. If people are still eating dinner at the time you’re going out, please consider leaving at a later time.

3. Don’t drink everything you see.

Alcohol is in front of your face, in your dorm (but it shouldn’t be!), and probably in your system a lot of the time. You want to have fun, but you don’t want to be that kid who gets paid a visit from Campus Safety. Some tips: don’t drink five cups of jungle juice, don’t drink straight from that bottle of vodka everyone is passing around, and please don’t decide that drinking all types of liquor together is a good idea.

4. Don’t talk loudly in the library.

It’s totally acceptable to talk on the first floor and whisper on the second floor! However, if you walk onto the third floor, you can hear a literal pin drop. Do not be that freshman that everyone is staring at because you decided to have a conversation with your friend around stressed out students. Study in groups at your dorm or in one of the study rooms in the library.

5. Don’t think you have to “fit in.”

Such a generic tip but so relevant to all freshmen. We all want people to like us, for them to think we’re cool, and to stand out in a refreshing way. Don’t feel the need to dress a certain way so people will like you; stay true to yourself and your style! Arguably the most important tip, don’t follow others just so they’ll think you’re like them, lead your own path.

6. Don’t skip meals.

With Benson, the Cellar, the Bronco, and all the restaurants that are in walking distance, you really can’t complain. However, sometimes in the swing of getting accustomed to a new environment, we forget to do basic things like eating, sleeping, and taking care of our mental health. Make sure you’re not that freshman who looks at the clock and says, “It’s 5 p.m. and I haven’t eaten anything.” Food is good, so eat it.

7. Don’t spread yourself too thin.

Balance is key. You may want to join five clubs now, but when those three essays are all due on the same day, you may not feel like it was the best idea. Don’t give too much attention to socializing, schoolwork, or extracurriculars where you start neglecting the rest. Spreading yourself too thin can backfire badly in the long run and you don’t want to be that crying freshman who’s already contemplating dropping out.

8. Don’t think you’re all alone.

Whatever it is….you’re not alone. Feeling homesick? Want to give up and join the circus? Hate everyone on your floor? You’re not alone! College is really about pushing yourself as I’ve discovered in the last few weeks, so if you’re feeling down, you can always go some place or to someone. Try new things, talk to more people, cry, go to the gym, do whatever will make you happy.

9. Don’t let anyone bully you.

Yeah, we’re freshmen. There’s always going to be that one snarky upperclassman in line who’s like, “Ugh, freshmen.” It’s all part of the learning process; don’t let them get you down. In fact, I recommend shooting them a strong look or letting them know that you’re not just a lame freshman, you’re a cool freshman.

10. Don’t be afraid.

This is your school now. You are a part of the Bronco community. Don’t be afraid to talk to people, join clubs, and get out there. Being a freshman doesn’t mean you have to stay quiet. Be the best freshman you can be! Get through the year and eventually you will be able to make fun of other freshmen. 


My name is Ghena Judge, and I love puppies and writing.
Laurel Fisher is a senior at Santa Clara University. She is double majoring in math and French. She loves traveling, scrapbooking, and anything to do with France. In her free time, she loves taking photos of just about anything, watching Netflix, eating delicious food, going to the gym, and spending time with her friends.